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    Re: BOF Request

    I'm working with Andy Bechtolsheim on the IP SAN initiative at Cisco.
    I believe we (the industry) are behind at this point because we
    (Cisco) have been hearing from our customers (and I'm sure you've been
    hearing from yours) that they want these technologies now. As such,
    much of the discussion on the charter and goals should happen before
    the BOF (on the ips mailing list).
    Let's make the IETF meeting be for serious high-bandwidth engineering
    discussion of the various approaches so we can attempt to reach
    consensus on a technical direction.
    Proposed agenda for BOF:
    > 5 min Review of BOF agenda and objectives (D. Lee/M. Bradley)
    > 10 min IP Storage Goals (D. Nagle/A. Wilson)
    > 15 min Discussion
    > 30 min Approaches & Implementations (10 min presentations)
    > o SCSI/TCP (TBA)
    > o Adaptec (A. Wilson)
    > o ISI's NetSCSI (?)
    > 40 min discussion
    > 5 min Proposed charters (D. Lee/M. Bradley/C. Sapuntzakis)
    > 15 min Discussion
    Our formal interaction with T10 and T11 should be minimized. The IETF
    strongly discourages the republishing of IETF standards by other
    organizations. In addition, IETF can work much more quickly than
    ANSI standards organizations.
    The only interaction I see with T13 is if we define an IDE transport protocol.
    ATAPI command sets are now handled through T10.
    FCP is an impressive protocol, especially in the bulk of documentation
    required to understand it. It is very much tied to Fibre Channel
    Physical Layer. Understanding FCP, its limitations, how it and its
    associated discovery mechanisms need to be fixed up to work in an IP
    environment is a large undertaking. FCP will seriously slow down the
    generation of any standard and impede the clarity of the final
    A proposed charter:
    Description of Working Group:
    The goal of this working group is to define extensions to current IETF
    transports for storage networking.
    There are a several areas to consider:
        - Reducing protocol processing overhead at servers and clients
        - SCSI transport on top of TCP
        - QoS parameters for storage networks
        - Running storage transports at multi-gigabit speeds
    The objectives of this working group are:
    * A proposed standard for a SCSI transport on top of TCP
    * A proposed standard for extensions to TCP that reduce protocol
    processing overhead.
    * Produce an informational RFC describing the QoS requirements of storage
    networks. Propose QoS extensions to diffserv if necessary.
    * Produce an informational RFC discussing the issues behind running
    storage transports at multi-gigabit speeds.
    > ----- Begin Included Message -----
    > >From Wed Feb  9 03:17:02 2000
    > From:
    > X-Lotus-FromDomain: 3COM
    > To:
    > cc:,, Vern@Aciri.Org,,
    > Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 03:15:23 -0800
    > Subject: BOF Request
    > Mime-Version: 1.0
    > Content-Disposition: inline
    > X-SMTP-HELO:
    > X-SMAP-Received-From: outside
    > X-SMTP-PEER-INFO: []
    > BOF Description
    > The objective of this BOF is:
    > 1. To consider the creation of a new IETF working group to enable storage
    > networking via IP-based storage interfaces of SCSI, ATAPI, FCP and other
    > interfaces.  Only system-to-storage interfaces will be considered.
    > 2. To develop and agree upon a charter for the new working group.
    > 3. To consider the proposed operational characteristics of reliable and
    > unreliable communications, shared and non-shared, managed and unmanaged, and
    > integrity, privacy, and/or non-secure.  Further, the protocol must
    > efficiently operate over LAN, campus, and WAN environments.
    > 4. To consider proposed protocol features such as automatic discovery,
    > enumeration, configuration, and management of storage adapters and devices.
    > 5. To discuss what collaboration with ANSI T10, T11 and T13 is appropriate.
    > BOF Agenda (2 hrs)
    > 5 min Review of BOF agenda and objectives (D. Lee/M. Bradley)
    > 20 min IP Storage Goals (D. Nagle/A. Wilson)
    > 35 min Discussion
    > 20 min Approaches (5 minutes each)
    > o Cisco (A. Bechtolsheim)
    > o Adaptec (A. Wilson)
    > o ISI's NetSCSI (?)
    > o Other (?)
    > 10 min Proposed charter (D. Lee/M. Bradley)
    > 30 min Discussion
    > ----- End Included Message -----


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:08:21 2001
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