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    RE: Who is doing what

    GENROCO has mapped SCSI on Scheduled Transfer, currently a draft ANSI
    T10 standard.  The Schedule Transfer Protocol, also a draft ANSI standard
    (passed public review) is defined on IP (and implemented as such by SGI on Linux).
    So there is a standards-based solution already existing for SCSI on STP/IP.
    DonDonald D. Woelz                 Tel: 262-644-2505
    V. P. of Sales and Marketing    Mobile: 414-732-7705
    GENROCO, Inc.                   Toll Free: 800-243-6762
    255 Info Hwy                    Fax: 262-644-6667
    Slinger, WI 53086
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []On Behalf Of
    > Cameron, Don
    > Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 6:37 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Who is doing what
    > I am trying to figure out who the players are in the storage over IP arena.
    > From following the discussions here, and reading the trade rags, I have come
    > up with the following. Please let me know where I am wrong:
    > The IP Storage Working Group (IBM, Cisco, HP, Adaptec, Quantum, EMC, and
    > others) 
    > 	Mapping of SCSI to TCP. All agree that TCP is appropriate for WAN. A
    > majority advocate TCP for both LAN and WAN, a minority advocate a
    > lighter-weight transport protocol for LAN only.
    > Adaptec: EtherStorage
    > 	Mapping of SCSI to light-weight transport protocol specifically
    > designed for LAN only. Uses SEP (SCSI Encapsulation Protocol).
    > Nishan: SoIP (Storage Over IP)
    > 	Can't find much detail here.
    > Gadzoox and Lucent:
    > 	Fibre Channel over IP. Proposal is to use IP to bridge between FC
    > SANs for MANs (and WANs?).
    > SAN, Ltd: SSCOP (Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol)
    > 	Route storage data over IP (UDP?) using the data link protocol from
    > ATM that allows selective re-transmission.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:08:14 2001
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