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    Re: Request to exclude FC over IP from storage over IP workinggroup charter

    If we are looking for concensus, I'd much rather 
    have FC/IP here.
    FC/IP has gateway issues as part of the charter.  An FC/IP
    bridge is the 1st step to a iSCSI/FCP gateway. wrote:
    > I think that Somesh stated this very well and I agree the FC over IP is an
    > important problem but a completely different problem.
    > .
    > .
    > .
    > John L. Hufferd
    > Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
    > IBM/SSD San Jose Ca
    > (408) 256-0403, Tie: 276-0403
    > Internet address:
    > Notes address: John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM @ IBMUS
    > VM address: hufferd at IBMUSM54
    > on 08/10/2000 03:54:37 PM
    > Sent by:
    > To:,,
    > cc:
    > Subject:  Request to exclude FC over IP from storage over IP working group
    >       charter
    > Scott/Allsion,
    > I would urge you to not include FC over IP in the charter of
    > the SCSI over IP working group.
    > Using (TCP)/IP to transport SCSI command blocks fits very
    > naturally as part of the SCSI Architecture Model which allows
    > for the use of different transports to transfer SCSI
    > commands. This include the parallel SCSI, fibre-channel (FCP),
    > SCI, and many others including a generic packet transport
    > mechanism.
    > In this case (TCP)/IP acts as a mechanism to transport an
    > application level protocol as is intended - preserving the
    > protocol layering principles and allowing for an architecturally
    > clean solution.
    > I have been impressed with the momentum behind this idea and saw
    > a number of participants at the ietf who were there for this
    > session (including myself). This specification will really drive
    > the convergence to IP based networks. There is significant
    > technical and commercial push for this idea.
    > FC over IP is a proposal (at least based on the presentation at
    > the ietf meeting in Pittsburg) to have IP act as a tunnel
    > between two FC islands i.e. there is a fully functional
    > fibre-channel island A and a fully functional fibre-channel
    > island B, and the proposal is to connect them together using
    > an IP based network (don't know if it is to make a super island
    > or connect them as a "router" would connect two sub-nets).
    > I think that the problems being solved and the motivations (from
    > a technical perspective - not just a commercial perspective)
    > are significantly different.
    > 1. This is putting a transport over another transport using
    > tunneling protocols. A lot of the issues will be about making
    > one work while satisfying the contraints and using the
    > capabilities of the other. Probably combines the timing and
    > recovery mechanisms of the two transports in some horrible way.
    > 2. The naming issues are entirely different. In storage over IP,
    > each of the partcipating entities is an IP entity. In FC over IP,
    > the participating entities are actually FC entities and will have
    > some mechanism of figuring out that the other FC entity lives
    > across a tunnel avaliable on the local network. If the proposal
    > is to create a larger net, then again the FC port addresses will
    > have to partitioned in some interesting way.
    > 3. How would arbitrated loop work in such an environment of creating
    > a large net, or will it connect only Fabric ports together.
    > 4. Security issues are again completely different as the end nodes are
    > really not IP entities.
    > 5. The protocol encapsulation is also completely different.
    > In Summary, putting scsi over ip is architecturally very clean and
    > accomodated by the SAM architecture as well as networking layered
    > architecture. The end systems communicating in this case are using
    > TCP/IP to transfer application (SCSI) PDUs and the problems/solutions
    > have a very good framework to work with.
    > FC tunnels through IP is a commerically important problem to solve
    > but is a completely different problem.
    > I would like to keep both of them seperate so that each of them
    > can be successful and provide useful specifications.
    > Regards,
    > Somesh Gupta
    > Project Manager/Architect
    > Storage over IP
    > (for HP-UX servers)
    > Hewlett-Packard


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:52 2001
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