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    iSCSI: Session Consensus/Plan

    Since traffic on this has died down, we may be close
    to consensus.  Let me try to state what I believe
    the consensus is and propose some means for making
    further progress ...
    There were four possible requirements for a session
    R1) Tape parallelism and failover
    R2) Stripe data: one command, multiple links
    R3) Stripe data: one command, same links
    R4) Recover from TCP failure without SCSI failure
    Steve Byan proposed:
    R5) Stripe commands and data: multiple links, ok to restrict
    	each command and associated data to a single link
    I had not listed that, because if Tape (R1) is factored
    out then load balancing and failover across the links involved
    is achievable for disk above the SCSI level via multiple
    SCSI connections.  In contrast, use of multiple links to tape
    must be below the SCSI level (i.e., in the transport).
    The original four requirements appear to fall into three categories:
    1) I have seen no objections to R1) [Tape parallelism and
    	failover].  Therefore I believe rough consensus exists
    	for a session abstraction that bundles multiple transport
    	connections into a single iSCSI connection, but that
    	support for multiple connections/session is OPTIONAL.
    	It would be ok to delete failover from this consensus
    	for the reason discussed in the next paragraph.
    2) R2) [Stripe data: one command, multiple physical links]
    	and R4) [Recover from TCP failure without SCSI failure]
    	require a detailed design to evaluate whether they should
    	be requirements.  In particular, R4) has been the focal
    	point of the "keep it simple" objections to the session
    	concept, and the complexity of achieving R2) depends on
    	the details of the session design (what data and/or
    	commands are allowed on which connections when).
    3) Costa has characterized R3) [Stripe data: one command,
    	same physical links] and generalizations involving
    	multiple TCP connections over the same link as weak,
    	and I've seen no disagreement.  In the absence of
    	strong support for R3), I believe rough consensus
    	exists to reject it as a requirement. The final
    	session abstraction may be able to do this, but
    	will not be REQUIRED to do so.
    In summary: R1) would be the major reason to require sessions,
    R2) and R4) are potential goals for the selection/design
    of the session abstraction, and R3) is not a requirement.
    Anyone who disagrees should comment on the list.  It would
    be fine to re-raise the complexity objection to sessions
    when the complete design including error handling is done,
    but re-raising it at this juncture is probably not productive.
    Based on the above consensus to have a session abstraction,
    the next issue is to determine what that should be.  I think
    we're going to need two parallel efforts on this, because in
    addition to the previous possible session models ...:
    - All connections are equivalent, but all traffic
    	for a single SCSI command uses one connection.
    - Single control connection, but data traffic can
    	be striped across multiple connections.
    - LUNs are assigned to specific connections.
    ... a new one has been proposed:
    - Use SCTP instead of TCP and employ SCTP's support
    	for multiple paths to the same destination.
    SCTP's multi-path support appears to be primarily designed
    for failover, but there are hooks that appear to make it
    usable by load balancing logic that resides above SCTP.
    We need further discussion of SCTP, as in the discussion to
    date I have seen neither a comprehensive design for
    encapsulation of either FC or SCSI in SCTP, nor have I
    seen any showstopper to the use of SCTP.  Comments
    are hereby solicited ...
    Determination/design of the session abstraction for
    iSCSI over TCP should go on in parallel with the SCTP
    discussion, as that should continue to expose
    particular requirements of SCSI encapsulation, such
    as how transparent recovery from errors needs to
    David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140, FAX: +1 (508) 497-6909  Cellular: +1 (978) 394-7754


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:45 2001
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