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    RE: Avoiding deadlock in iSCSI

    Hi All:
    While Jim's note sums up the SCSI-related issues nicely, I'd like to add a
    minor filip to what he said.
    As I see it, the problem of ordering goes beyond whether or not a command
    has the ordered attribute.  For certain devices, like tapes, ordered
    behavior may be implicit in the device semantics.  Although this is a fine
    point, it probably needs to be spelled out more clearly in the appropriate
    SCSI specs.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jim McGrath []
    > Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 1:09 PM
    > To: ''; Jim McGrath
    > Cc:
    > Subject: RE: Avoiding deadlock in iSCSI
    > I agree with Stephen that this is a T10 issue.  BTW, it has 
    > been discussed
    > before in T10.  The issue is that for commands ending with a 
    > (error) status the ACA mechanism provides a very targeted 
    > means of solving
    > this problem (use ACA for your ORDERED commands and you are 
    > fine).  The QErr
    > bit in the Control Mode page provides a similar global 
    > capability for the
    > entire LUN.
    > The problem is that there are other status conditions that 
    > may want to be
    > treated in a similar manner, but which (to my knowledge) are 
    > not.  The first
    > one we looked at was RESERVATION CONFLICT.  The second is 
    > QUEUE FULL.  Both
    > may create a desire to pause execution from the command queue.
    > The current answer is simply not to get into this problem to 
    > begin with.
    > That is, if you are sending an ORDERED command, make sure you 
    > do not send
    > out the next command (ORDERED or UNORDERED) until you (the 
    > initiator) know
    > that the first command has been received by the target.  You 
    > clearly know if
    > a command has been received by an explicit acknowledgement 
    > (as in parallel
    > SCSI) or by a subsequent action (a data transfer or status 
    > transfer) that
    > only makes sense if the command was received.  
    > You can argue that this degrades performance.  For most of 
    > the interconnects
    > considered up to now, with relatively low latency, this has 
    > not bee as much
    > of a concern.  In addition, there has been a feeling that the 
    > cases were
    > ORDERED commands are used are so few that you either accepted the
    > degradation (such as it is) when you use them, or you do a 
    > vendor unique
    > approach around the problem.
    > If this is considered to be a big issue, then I'd raise it to T10.  I
    > suggest you propose a solution that mimics the existing ACA and QErr
    > solutions, since that will be easiest and quickest to adopt.  One
    > possibility is adding the status QUEUE FULL to the things 
    > that generate
    > ACAs.  Another is to propose a new QACA bit that can be used 
    > like ACA but
    > for Queue Full (so users can continue to use the old ACA bit 
    > for backward
    > compatibility).  Since you either introduce a compatibility 
    > issue (the first
    > approach) or need a bit (the second approach), the answer is 
    > not cost free,
    > so T10 will want some justification for creating a 
    > compatibility issue or
    > (more likely) to spend the bit.
    > Jim
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 10:33 PM
    > To: Jim McGrath
    > Cc:;
    > Subject: Re: Avoiding deadlock in iSCSI
    > > Note that SCSI targets, when faced with getting a command 
    > queue full, do
    > not
    > > stop reading from the interconnect.  If more commands are 
    > received then
    > they
    > > respond with a QUEUE FULL status.  If data is received then 
    > they receive
    > > that data without regard for the status of the command 
    > queue (as long as
    > it
    > > is data for an already queued command).  This eliminates 
    > the potential for
    > > deadlock between command and data queues.
    > Jim, 
    > I believe there is problem with the current SCSI behavior. 
    > Consider the
    > following scenario for a host with a pathological queue of 1
    > 	1) Initiator sends command 1 (ORDERED attribute)
    > 	2) Initiator sends command 2 (ORDERED attribute)
    > 	3) Initiator sends command 3 (ORDERED attributge)
    > 	4) Target reads command 1
    > 	5) Target reads command 2
    > 	6) Target returns queue full for command 2
    > 	7) Command 1 completes
    > 	8) Target reads command 3
    > 	9) Target executes command 3
    > We have just violated the ordering constraints of the application by
    > doing command 3 before command 2.
    > > Potentially you can have a situation where multiple 
    > commands already at
    > the
    > > target have only part of their data transmitted, with the 
    > remainder still
    > at
    > > the initiator(s), and then run out of buffer space for data.  If the
    > target
    > > uses a credit model to pace the reception of data, it can 
    > also make sure
    > > this never happens.  Unsolicited data, even for commands 
    > already queued,
    > can
    > > end up creating this deadlock - which is why unsolicited 
    > data systems
    > either
    > > have to have a tight limit on the resources it can use 
    > (e.g. low login BB
    > > credit in Fibre Channel terms) or some sort of clean (i.e. not IO
    > > terminating) rejection mechanism from target to initiator 
    > (like in USB).
    > Unsolicited data is NOT a problem with the current iSCSI 
    > spec. We allow
    > the target to always drop data and request data transfers 
    > with an RTT.
    > -Costa


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:15 2001
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