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    Re: iSCSI: Session Partial Resolution

    If we eliminate all support for multiple connections from the next version
    of the draft and have a separate draft for multiple connections, then we'll
    eventually end up with 2 different (incompatible) protocols. Depending on
    whether we have a single connection or multiple connections, the initiator
    and target will have to implement one or the other or both protocols. Some
    products that implement only one version will not be compatible with other
    products, etc, and we will have shot ourselves in the foot. The wide
    acceptance of iSCSI will be strongly influenced by the ability to
    inter-operate with all kinds of devices and products, many of which will
    greatly benefit from one of the various multiple-connection models.
    I recommend to try to focus on the question of the multiple-connection
    model to see if we can at least agree that one or more of them sufficiently
    satisfies the requirements, and then choose one of the satisfactory models.
    Even if we can't agree on which model is the best, I think we can
    more-or-less agree on which of the models is at least good enough.
    - Kalman Meth
     on 19/09/2000 22:22:20
    Please respond to
    To:   John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS,
    cc: (bcc: Kalman Meth/Haifa/IBM)
    Subject:  iSCSI: Session Partial Resolution
    <... deleted ...>
    OTOH, I do not see consensus on the session model for
    multiple connection sessions among the Asymmetric model,
    the Symmetric model, and Pierre Labat's proposal.  In
    order to make progress on iSCSI, I see no alternative to
    separating multi-connection sessions from the main iSCSI
    spec.  Significant effort and email traffic has been
    invested in this topic for at least 6 weeks and the issue
    is not settled -- I don't think holding up the iSCSI spec
    for another 6+ weeks in hopes of settling this issue on
    the list is an effective way to make progress, but I'm
    prepared to listen to dissenting opinions (e.g., if
    someone thinks there is rough consensus, and I've missed
    it); please send such opinions directly to me rather than
    using the list.  I've already had one offline comment from
    an outside observer expressing amazement at the willingness
    of this community to discuss multi-connection sessions
    "ad nauseum".
    Therefore, I would ask that the authors of the next
    version of the iSCSI draft delete all specification
    of multiple connection sessions from the next version
    of the except for a note that they will be handled in
    a separate document.
    <... deleted ...>
    David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140     FAX: +1 (508) 497-8500       Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:11 2001
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