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    RE: iSCSI: Flow Control

    The present iSCSI draft assumes each transport may perform a proxy or
    redirection (via either IP or SCSI media) at login of the client.  In the
    case of redirection not over IP, SCSI medium is not considered unless each
    target is to act in the role of Service Delivery Port, and LU takes the role
    of target where LUN is fixed.  This virtual target for a medium is not
    possible unless everything on the medium is restricted to the same device
    type.  In the case of redirection over IP, the proxy will authenticate
    locally and on the forwarded target over yet another connection should this
    proxy-target connection conform to the proposal.  What could have been a
    single connection using an encapsulated target/initiator descriptor becomes
    tens or thousands of separate flows to be performed.  In addition to being
    expensive overhead, it is not network friendly when each connection or
    connection pair is used to resolve a target.  As each target can implement a
    proxy service, a path will be difficult to define for either IP or SRA due
    to a desire to obfuscate actual underlying transport.  Despite standard
    encapsulation schemes for multiple connections, the desire to add additional
    connections is sure to make this unfriendly transport even more aggressive.
    All of this still overlooks flow control as required, at the medium.
    Perhaps this architecture is intended for Infiniband.  Without target
    resolution, resources are consumed by the slowest hidden device.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:37 2001
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