[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] DRAFT Nashua interim meeting minutesThis is one loquacious bunch - sorry it took a while to get these out. WG consensus (will be considered affirmed if not objected to on the list) is flagged by **, action items are flagged by ->. Comments, corrections, etc. to the list by Friday, May 18th. Thanks, --David IETF IP Storage (ips) Working Group Nashua Interim Meeting - April 30 and May 1, 2001 DRAFT Minutes ----------------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2001 - FC encapsulation protocols (FCIP and iFCP) ----------------------------------------------------------- FC Common Encapsulation - draft-ietf-ips-fcencapsulation-00.txt ----------------------- CRC discussion - some protocols want to use a CRC, some don't, hence there's a CRC Valid flag in the header. Using one of the bits from the protocol number field to encode CRC Valid was discussed and rejected as too clever by half ** Rough Consensus: Retain CRC Valid as a separate flag as currently defined. -> Action: David Black to send email to list describing allocation approach that would (initially) avoid two protocol numbers that differ only in the encoded CRC Valid bit without permanently using two bits from the protocol number field to do this. ** Rough Consensus - Use different default TCP ports for FCIP and iFCP. -> Action: David Black to pursue causing these ports plus one for iSCSI to be allocated. -> Action: David Black will work with authors on revising the IANA text. ** Rough Consensus on the Reserved flag bits: (1) MUST be zero on send. (2) Protocol MAY specify MUST be zero on receive. (3) How to allow future protocols to make use of these? - Actual use requires modification of common encap. - Protocol-generic use of this encap SHOULD not assume that reserved flags are zero. Later discussion on use of inverted check fields (<X> followed by 1's complement of <X>) reached the following ** Rough Consensus: All uses of inverted check fields are to have the structure of a 32 bit word consisting of 16 bits of <X> followed by 16 bits of the 1's complement of <X>, where <X> may consist of multiple fields. This applies to the common encapsulation header, and both the SOF and EOF encodings. Fibre Channel MIBs - General Discussion --------------------------------------- ** Rough consensus - iFCP and FCIP will do separate protocol-specific MIBs. Use existing FC MIBs (ipfc WG) for common stuff, similar to iSCSI's approach/direction of abstracting SCSI stuff into separate MIB. FCIP MIB - draft-anil-fcip-mib-00.txt -------- This is being developed as an extension of the FC Framework MIB (draft-ietf-ipfc-fsmgmt-int-mib-06.txt). Several comments were made on things needing attention in the MIB, including clarifying the distinction between port and endpoint, and the likely need for RowStatus support for row creation. TCP connection parameters are whether FCIP is configured to use them. TCP statistics - aggregated across connections that constitute a single FCIP link. This includes tracking of totals across closed TCP connections in a still-open link. Some more global suggestions: - Beware of just duplicationg TCP parameters from other MIBs. Aggregation across TCP connections in an FCIP link should be ok. - Look at RMON and follow its style to define an FCIP RMON MIB. FCIP use of Common Encapsulation -------------------------------- ** Rough Consensus: FCIP will not use CRC. The fact that this leaves the timestamp field unprotected was characterized as acceptable because the probability of an error causing a frame that should have been discarded to not be discarded is very small due to the timestamp needing to fall within an approximately 40 second window to cause the frame to be forwarded. 40 seconds is more than enough for satellite transmission - this won't allow FCIP to go to the moon, but that's probably out of scope. Protocol-specific fields for FCIP are not needed (protocol works fine if words 1 and 2 are zero), The decision on their use is: ** Rough Consensus: For FCIP, word 1 is a copy of 0, the first 16 bits of word 2 are reserved, and the last 16 bits are the 1's complement of the first 16 bits. Consensus called over Charles Monia's objection. Back to protocol-specific data. Bob S wants to use Word 1 as a copy of Word 0, and reserve Word 2 (reserved/-reserved) (replicate 3 into 2? - would consume all extra space). -> Action: David Black will work with the FCIP authors to provide right Quality of Service (diffserv) words. -- Model Update (Jim Nelson, Vixel) Work in progress based on direction Mike O'Donnell presented in Minneapolis, update prior to T11 June meeting (week of June 4 in Minneapolis - BB-2 is after FC-SW-2 on Monday, afternoon). Full model goes in FC-BB-2, a piece of this goes in FCIP to replace BSW (Backbone switch) discussion. Full discussion when the text becomes available (August, except that London IETF meeting conflicts w/T11) --> Action: David and Elizabeth are already in touch with the Area Directors regarding the IETF and T11 meeting conflict, and what to do about it. -- FCIP interaction with TCP Changes made in -02 version of FCIP draft: - Now distributing FC flows across multiple TCP connections (each port pair [N_Port login session] has to be limited to one TCP connection for in-order delivery, and FC ACKs need to be on same conn. as ACKed traffic). - Removed discussion of TCP parameters. - Error recovery (TCP keep-alive too large): 2 possible approaches -1- Fibre Channel ELS (Extended Link Sequence) to detect loss of connectivity. This would not propagate across endpoints, and a zero-length frame might be better as that would not be a valid frame to forward into Fibre Channel. -> Action: Bob Snively will check whether FSPF (Fibre Channel routing protocol that will always be present on an FCIP link as FCIP is currently specified) already contains heartbeats to detect a lost connection. If so, FCIP can leave this issue to FSPF to handle. -2- Check time stamps. Added text to indicate that horribly late frames get bit-bucketed. Common Encapsulation says "put timestamp here", but doesn't provide much in the way of details Resulting discussion was inconclusive. FC experts need to write the timestamp rules to make sure that timestamp processing adheres to FC requirements - these rules probably belong in the common encapsulation document as they apply to any Fibre Channel traffic. The following issues are open: (1) How do we ensure that the times at both ends of an FCIP or iFCP link are synchronized? FC-GS-4's time protocol or requiring use of NTP across the link are possibilities. FC B ports can't source or sink FC-GS-4 frames, so may have to use NTP. (2) Need a concise and strict definition of when it's ok to *not* timestamp traffic. Current text on loss of sync and related error recovery issues is incorrect in several ways and needs to be revised. Revison *must* not be susceptible to misinterpreting frame payload as a frame when sync is lost. Multiple TCP connections - iFCP classifies by destination - FCIP can classify by traffic class (frame type), and also by destination - FC class 4 is defining virtual channels (can have > 1 per destination). --> Action: David Black to run some version of the above summary past the Area Directors to make sure this doesn't run afoul of general principle of not using multiple TCP connections to increase a single application's performance. -- FCIP QoS and Performance -> Action: David Black will check QoS text in Section 9.1 of -02 draft and review first sentence of Section 9.2 -> Action: Authors will look at QoS text in iFCP draft. The TCP performance section of the draft contains some informational/advisory text on dealing with some TCP issues (e.g., long/fat networks [high bandwidth x delay product]). Flow control management (Section 10) This is about flow control mapping between FC and TCP. Section title is misleading and may be changed. -> Action: Remove reference to Fibre Channel Class 1. T11.3 is removing support for it in FC-MI. There are open issues in Section 10. This is about reflecting TCP traffic propagation issues into FC credit-based flow control. Source throttling. -- Data Integrity (Bob Snively, Brocade) This was a discussion of detailed edits to the draft to make sure that there are no serious date integrity issues. Section 3 error handling text will be deleted in favor of a pointer to 8.3. Section 4.3 on ordering will be connected this to the multi-path classification characteristics above. Section 8.1 - Bob Snbively wants to add ability to do data-based resync -> Action: Bob will write the text to explain how to do this for serious review. Will also rewrite the text to distinguish use of another framing mechanism vs. the data scan. Resync should be optional, and data scan must not be capable of misinterpreting what appears to be a Fibre Channel frame in an FCIP data payload as an actual frame. Section 8.3 - additional text on dealing with CRC errors for frames going onto Fibre Channel. Section 4.2 - use usual login procedure for fabric devices. FCIP need not do some sort of TCP/IP logins, but FC mechanisms must work unmodified. Endpoint definition - distinguish Fibre Channel port from TCP connection endpoint. Naming and Discovery for FCIP ----------------------------- -- FCIP and iSNS - Josh Tseng, Nishan Hostnames will name FCIP boxes - discussed as possibility in Orlando, presented as proposal at this time. DNS or iSNS can be used to resolve them - this is about tunnel configuration for FCIP. Simple DNS approach - have to enter hostnames of remote FCIP devices in each FCIP device. Each device resolves names with DNS and sets up tunnels. All configuration is manual. iSNS can automate configuration and discovery. Domain concept makes group-based managment of FCIP connectivity possible - scales better than manual configuration. iSNS server can be discovered via DHCP option or SLP. FCIP box identifiers don't have to be DNS hostnames, but those are convenient. Can automate hostname assignment to FCIP boxes. Management station can alias names. -- FCIP use of SLP - Dave Peterson, Cisco [used Excel spreadsheet + MS Word document] iSNS and SLPv2 use same authentication. Dave Peterson doesn't anticipate using SLP scopes for FCIP. New SLP RFC (3082) provides sufficient (somewhat timely) notification of devices appearing and disappearing. Proposal - static config, SLP for dynamic config, also iSNS, both are optional. DHCP - self-discovery mechanism, can't discover info about others. DNS - too limited, SLP improves LDAP - database interface, may be used by either SLP or iSNS Putting together FCIP discovery model for SLPv2. Suggestion - just use SLP, limit iSNS to functionality beyond SLP. Josh: RFC 3082 is Experimental, SLP scope is different from iSNS Discovery domains. SLP periodic re-registration has to be set correctly. SLP can't store non-string attributes (e.g., X.509 certificates). SLP is a good discovery mechanism, but not good for subsequent/sophisticated mgt. After much discussion, it was not possible to call consensus on the relationship between iSNS and SLP usage/requirements for FCIP. -> Action: Josh and Dave Petersen will post their positions to the reflector with David Black and Elizabeth summarizing areas of agreement and open issues. iFCP - Charles Monia, Nishan ----------------------------- Changes to draft - iFCP addressing model updated, including how to manage address tables, and incorporation of transparent mode. ELS handling changed for common encapsulation. No longer need extended header (this was discussed in Minneapolis). Lots of editorial changes. QoS text added, now 1 TCP/IP connection per N_Port session. Next version targeted for May 15, major work is to incorporate common encapsulation. Changes to incorporate Common Encapsulation: (1) Protocol-specific fields: - LS_CMD - identify command for Accepts of augmented ELS's. - iFCP flags (see below), copy of SOF, copy of EOF. iFCP uses these copies, and skips over SOF and EOF words. - CRC is always checked, CRCV field is ignored on receive, but must be set on send. (2) Flags - Compliance level (which version of document, watch out for version # change). This is a 1-bit version number. - Augmented (part of an ELS w/augmented data) - Address transparent vs. translation mode - iFCP session control frame (must be non-augmented, translation) Header CRC error causes connection close. CRC error in 7-word header is unlikely, and only a single N_port to N_port connection is affected. (3) Timestamp format and content will be same as FCIP. Likely to be able to put this syntax and semantics into the common encapsulation document. iFCP address-transparent mode. This assembles iFCP gateways into a single logical fabric, within which addresses are global and untranslated. Maximum of 239 gateways in a fabric (this is the FC domain limit for number of switches, each gateway counts as a switch). Address translation mode will probably be mandatory. Translation and Transparent mode do not interoperate. Transparent mode does not require any FC header or CRC changes. iFCP transparent mode is similar to FCIP, but implements FC services via IP equivalents rather than using FC switches. Gateways implement F or FL port, could even do an E port. For E port, gateway MUST become the principle switch. ELS modifications - out of 73 total ELSs, 14 of them, and 3 of their ACC (Accept) responses require iFCP intervention/changes. -> Action: Authors to look at FCP-2 document for more ELSs. REC now comes from there, and SRR appears to be missing from the list. One of the types of augmentation appends WWN to ELS sent between iFCP gateways. TPRLO (Third PaRty LogOut) can require a massive augmentation that can span multiple FC frames due to the ability to to specify up to 4095 devices to be logged out. Gateways have to maintain state to track augmented Accepts and handle them properly - this is for the gateway that proxies for target of ELS. Exchange identifier associates ACCs with ELSs on the FC side of that proxy. Fabric Service Profiles. This is about making sure that a iFCP-base fabric uniformly exports services to all attached devices, even if gateways are from different vendors. - Fabric services to be provided at well-known addresses (mandatory, optional, prohibited, behavior description for each service). - Transport (details of Class 2 and 3 behavior, prohibit Class 1, FC QoS mapping [when FC does QoS]). iFCP Naming and Discovery - Josh Tseng -------------------------------------- iSNS is required for iFCP - nothing else works. Overview of iSNS use by iFCP. Security for iFCP - use IPSec, probably tunnel mode. FCIP is leaning in the same direction. Security Comments - David Black ------------------------------- These comments apply to all IPS protocols, and are particularly applicable to the iSCSI security discussion scheduled for tomorrow. Confidentiality is not required. The IPS WG may have the freedom to "profile" IPSec, e.g., make AH optional to implement. The expensive parts of IPSec are Confidentiality (cycles) and negotiation/key exchange [IKE/ISAKMP] (code) - IKE/ISAKMP could be optional to implement (i.e., manual configuration, with attendant management problems). One of the ipsec WG chairs should be here tomorrow to provide additional information. --------------------------- May 1, 2001 - iSCSI --------------------------- iSCSI Naming and Discovery -------------------------- -- Overview - Kaladhar Voruganti, IBM -- Naming and Addressing - Mark Bakke, Cisco WWUI acronym in earlier versions of draft gone, set of naming types has been reduced to eui (WWN) and fqn. fqn acronyn will be changed to iqn (i = iSCSI) to avoid possibly rude (mis)-pronunciation An iSCSI name is a persistent location-independent identifier, an iSCSI address is how one gets to it, with DNS recommended in preference to specifying the IP address. There is a problem with domain names changing ownership without record of what iSCSI names iqns were created by the old owner. This risks unacceptable duplication. Suggestions for using IANA private enterprise identifier, date, and some sort of existing vendor identifier were made. The simple approach of using WWNs runs into administrative difficulties like a $1500 fee to get initial allocation. -> Action: Authors to propose resolution to this issue. Third party command authentication/authorization is an open issue. -- SAM2 and iSCSI (concept mapping) - Jim Hafner, IBM This is about how the concepts in the SCSI architecture (SAM2) map to the concepts in iSCSI, and the implications of this mapping. Basic concepts and mappings: o Network entity - has an IP network address (and TCP port) o iSCSI Node - within network entity, identified by iSCSI Name Contains at most ONE SCSI device (canonical iSCSI Target does not have a SCSI device). o SCSI Device Name (T10 is working on this) = iSCSI Node Name o SCSI Device - contains SCSI Ports = iSCSI Node Name + ISID or TSID. o SCSI Port has one or more <IP address, TCP port> pairs, may change dynamically. o SCSI I_T Nexus = iSCSI Session, connects two iSCSI Ports. Q: Multiple sessions per node pair? A: Yes, each session has unique SCSI Port instance on each side. Result is that SCSI Ports are dynamic entities. This is different from models used in other SCSI tranports because the SCSI Port entities are bound one-to-one by a connection. The iSCSI Name is intended to name OS image (actually SCSI instance in OS image) - goal here is to avoid problem with FC Node Name, which is associated with HBA - iSCSI Node Name is supposed to be associated with the "SCSI entity" in the OS. This requires the SCSI instance to manage ISIDs or TSIDs globally across all iSCSI interfaces. SCSI Port Address - not clear what this T10 concept maps to, could just use SCSI Port Name (iSCSI name + ISID or TSID). Mapping Consequences: - ISIDs have to be unique initiator-wide (across all NICs/Adapters connected to same target). - Persistent reservations get linked to both ISID and TSID -- reservation comes back only if initiatiator reuses ISID and target reuses TSID. This has implications on target saving/tracking of state, and requires initiator to remember which ISID was used with which target. -> Action: Next version of draft will need a table of how nexus state reacts to events (e.g., Resets). Discussion of Persistent Reservation behavior wrt this model. SCSI has things to say about Target reboot. Host reboot is generally not visible, but only exception is that if addresses are reassigned (e.g., by Fibre Channel fabric), Target has to cope with this reassignment. Names span sessions to make authentication simpler. Keeping ISID separate from the name makes the authentication stuff simpler. Q: Do persistent reservations open up a denial of service attack route? A: No - can't do this without prior authentication, and there are ways to blow away reservations from other initiators. Difference from FCP is that iSCSI persistent reservations are keyed to session IDs vs. FCP keying them to FC ports (via WWN). SCSI allows sharing of reservations. At the iSCSI level, each reservation is tied to a session. SCSI reservation sharing is how reservations get shared across more than one I_T_Nexus. T10 is considering reservation semantics that ignore ports and make reservations at SCSI Device level, which would yield reservations at iSCSI node granularity. On session establishment, TSID choice may be influenced by existence of reservation state - this results in iSCSI having to check for SCSI persistent reservations for that initiator name and ISID. Third party reservations were brought up. They're volatile, essentially obsolete, and not needed by anything in SCSI, included extended copy. There are also command format problems that would make it very difficult for iSCSI to pass a node name + session ID to the third party copy device. Persistent reservation key *does not* contain iSCSI node name or ISID. Cluster software (or whatever) creates its own reservation keys. --> Action: There may be an issue of scope of ACA with respect to the model. Jim Hafner will check into this. CA should not be an issue because iSCSI requires Autosense. Access controls need to use iSCSI Initiator node name. T10 will handle the required changes, as part of long identifier format changes (e.g., for things like SCSI alias designation), which also cover third-party commands. Additional address info for third-party commands could be definitive, or just hints. SRP and FCP use definitive addresses. -- Discovery - Mark Bakke, Cisco draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-name-disc-01.txt Review of types of configuration: - Static/manual - SLP for simple discovery - iSNS for centralized management "Send Targets" - an additional mechanism that can be used in all three cases. Send Targets is allowed to send info on targets that are elsewhere, or just targets behind its port. This can also implement some "soft zoning" (i.e. restricted what an Initiator can see), and cascading (return a target that is elsewhere to which "Send Targets" must be sent). If there's only one iSCSI target behind a port, a login to the "iscsi" target could return that name and immediately allow commands. This would lead to needing to distinguish between login only for "Send Targets" and login that results in the one and only target coming back and going into full-feature mode. It adds complexity but might simplify booting. OPEN ISSUE. There is a need for some sort of iterator interface or something else that avoids an Initiator having to allocate potentially unlimited space to hold the results of Send Targets. This issue will be taken to the mailing list. OPEN ISSUE. Will be adding tags to addresses that specify which addresses can be aggregated into a session. Absence of tag indicates that aggregation is not possible. Tag unique to a single address would indicate that multiple connections to that address are aupported. Only semantics of tag is whether these values match, and context is within a single response to Send Targets. One tag per address for now. The ability to specify another initiator in Send Targets will not be supported, as there is T10 work to be done in the access control area (this is about giving an Initiator's view to a third party copy device) and it raises security issues. -- SLP - Mark Bakke, Cisco draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-slp-00.txt SLP template has been submitted as WG draft. SLP and iSNS now do *exactly* the same authentication. Working on interoperability with iSNS. Working on host/device taxonomy to make recommendations about what should be implemented where (SLP and/or iSNS in drives, arrays, hosts, gateways, etc.?). Open source for SLP authentication is now available. Need to look at RFC 3082 for event propagation to see what it does and figure out how to use it. iSCSI may need a few minor extensions to this. The iSCSI SLP Template may need changes to better accomodate copy managers. None of the discovery mechanisms are REQUIRED at this point in time. A question was asked about how network management tools discover network configuration and devices - this is generally based on MIBs and reading information from them. One can have a conformance statement for a MIB that mandates a relatively small portion of it that is necessary for this sort of discovery. -- iSNS - Josh Tseng, Nishan draft-ietf-ips-isns-02.txt SNS requirements in naming and discovery draft are based on FC-GS-3. Discussion of iSNS functionality and alternatives: - LDAP: This is a directory service, but seems to lack info about when and where to send state change notifications. - SNMP: Discovery domains cannot be implemented, cannot do complex queries. - SLP: Now has a notification mechanism, but needs some changes. SLP depends on multicast (in absence of SLP, have to manually configure addresses of SLP directory agent). DHCP can discover SLP, hence can piggyback on DHCP infrastructure. SLP scopes aren't the same as discovery domains - have to add something. SLP requires on service agents to reregister with directory agents, iSNS does things in the reverse direction. Nishan will open source iSNS client and server within next month. iSCSI Requirements Last Call Issues - Marjorie Krueger, HP ----------------------------------- This discussion was about closing the issues raised during informal Last Call of this draft on the mailing list. ** Rough Consensus: iSCSI should not be making changes to SCSI-3, except where the relevant SCSI document says something is "transport dependent". Wording will be crafted to require "minimum changes" or something like that outside of this case. ** Rough Consensus: Layering wording will not be added to this document; the exhortation in the IPS WG charter is sufficient. ** Rough Consensus: "packet formats similar to" wording will NOT be added. ** Rough Consensus: Accept Bob Snively's change to require ordering only at I_T_L level, not I_T, but don't exclude implentations that do I_T ordering. After a long discussion of ordering, the conclusion was: ** Rough Consensus: Strictly ordered command delivery to target is required across a session, even in error recovery cases (this is stricter than either FCP or parallel SCSI require). Those wanting looser ordering should use multiple sessions. Rough consensus on the last point was called over visible opposition (significant minority of the room). Security -------- -- David Black (EMC, co-chair) presentation on security requirements See slides - this was an informational presentation/discussion about requirements (MUST implement authentication and cryptographic integrity, MUST have a required mechanism for each, confidentiality is OPTIONAL, IP vs. iSCSI level mechanisms [iSCSI can multiplex initiators and targets on a single <IP address, TCP port> pair). -- Ofer Biran (IBM, Haifa) Lots of slides - see slides for details. After much discussion ... ** Rough Consensus: (1) Need iSCSI level authentication in addition to what is done for IP or TCP/IP. (2) ESP with null authentication is mandatory to implement - TLS was considered and rejected as part of this. (3) SRP is mandatory to implement. Beyond this, the use of SRP (or another inband authentication mechanism) to key ESP was discussed as a promising direction. It's premature to require this - the minimum requirement for now is ESP with pre-shared keys and a separate implementation of SRP. -> Action: David Black, Ted Ts'o, and Ofer Birman will write up details of getting ESP key material from in-band authentication mechanism and related "Start Here" text key to turn on ESP dynamically. Error Recovery - Randy Haagens, HP and Kalman Meth, IBM ------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Due to the late hour and diminishing attendance, no consensus calls were attempted in this area. This is a progress report from some extensive and on-going off-line work on details of errror recovery. The goal is to provide a set of mechanisms that allow implementations to choose where they want to be between "Trust TCP Explicitly" (Detect errors and flag to SCSI) and "Can't Trust TCP" (comprehensive error recovery. This work will be folded into the basic iSCSI document. Session recovery appears to be cleanly separable from finer-grained mechanisms. Not sure about separations among within-session, within-connection, and within command recovery. Not every situation will need fine-grained recovery. Session recovery will be mandatory - close session and open a new session. ** Need to make it clear that explicit logout on last connection in session. Within-session recovery reissues commands on another connection in same session - login of new connection includes instruction to logout old connection. Have to make sure that old connection is successfully logged out before issuing new commands with retry (X) bit set. This is optional. Have to use same tags and CmdSNs in doing the retry. Terminology note: This is really "resend". Whether or not a "retry" of the command is actually done is at the device's option. Need to be careful to distinguish these terms. Comment: Wording is needed to indicate that if the initiator chooses not to reissue a command that was pending on the terminated connection, it MUST terminate the session. Q: Is having both implicit and explicit logout mechanisms overkill? A: Needed to cover resend on an existing connection vs. opening a new connection for this purpose. Target can reject attempt to open new connection, and then initiator has to clean up. Comment: This portion of the draft contains a recommendation to use Target Reset that needs to be removed. Within-connection recovery reissues command on same connection to fill CmdSN holes. Has to be on same connection due to connection allegiance. These errors require framing support over TCP - in the absence of framing, the connection has to be terminated. Comment: When there are multiple connections, target needs to delay for a bit before telling Initiator that commands are missing. On a single connection, this is easy. When CmdSN has advanced past the hole on all connections, target knows that a command is missing. A request was made for an explicit way to request a resend rather than the implicit monitoring of ExpCmdSN by the Initiator and possible use of NOP by the target. This will be considered. Discussion of (lack of) trust in TCP. Between ESP at IP level and encouraging SCTP to use a CRC, we're getting stronger integrity in the stack at a lower level. TCP (or SCTP) will retry is a wonderful answer to a whole bunch of problems. This lead to some interest in figuring out how to shim a CRC between TCP and IP, which would then allow at least within-connection and within-command error recovery to be dropped. OPEN ISSUE: for further discussion. Discussion of data resends differing between reads and writes. On read, initiator resends command causing target to resend all the data. On write, the target can issue only some of the R2Ts (for the missing data) and it should not be a big deal for the initiator to cope. OPEN ISSUE - will require confirmation/further discussion on list. Status recovery within connection is based on status SNACK. -> Action: Need to revise text to indicate that SNACK is optional. SNACK is required to do within-connection recovery of status. Comment: This may be a big deal for backup - put in a negotiation key/value pair to allow initiator to discover whether target does SNACK. Backup may want to avoid using a target that doesn't do status SNACK. OPEN ISSUE: Take to list. Within-command recovery from dropped data. If data CRC fails, issue immediate Data SNACK. If header CRC fails, find the hole, issue Data SNACK at that point.
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