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    iSCSI Plugfest at UNH

     From:  Bob Russell
            Bill Lynn
            Kalman Meth
            Barry Reinhold
     Points that arose during the UNH Plugfest (July 16-20, 2001)
     where the Standard is unclear.
     (not in any particular order)
     1. Exactly what should happen if operational parameters are sent by the
        initiator during the security phase of login?
        In section 4.2 the standard says:
        "-The iSCSI parameter negotiation (non-security parameters)
         SHOULD start only after security is established.  This should be
         performed using text commands."
        "When establishing the security context, any
        operational parameters sent before establishing a secure
        context MAY be ignored by both the target and the initiator."
        There is a problem with the meaning of "ignore" -- should the target:
            1.  not respond to these operational keys at all, or
            2.  respond with key=reject, or
            3.  respond with a valid value and then just not use these values.
                In this case, how does the initiator know whether or not the target
                is ignoring these parameters or not?
        A final note:  The standard seems to allow the initiator to
        send operational parameters when establishing the security context,
        get back a valid value from the target, and then ignore the entire
        negotiation anyway.  Is this legal?  In this case, how does
        the target know that the initiator is ignoring these parameters?
     2. In section 2.8.3 the standard says "Many key=value pairs can be included
        in the Text block by separating them with null (0x00) delimiters."
        This implies that the last (or only) key=value pair is NOT terminated by
        a null delimiter.  However, all C programs naturally treat key=value pairs
        as C strings which are always terminated by a null (0x00) delimiter.
        Therefore, to avoid a source of errors and to simplify implementations,
        please change the standard to require all key=value pairs MUST be
        TERMINATED by null (0x00) delimiters.
        NOTE: if this change is NOT made, then the standard needs to address the
        issue of what to do when a receiver receives a set of key=value pairs
        that is terminated by a final NULL.  Should this be treated as a format
        error, or does that final NULL separate the last key from an empty key
        which the receiver should just ignore?
        The group consensus was unanimous that all key=value pairs MUST be
        TERMINATED by null (0x00) delimiters.
     3. Many key parameters can take only "yes" or "no" as valid values.  However,
        section 1.2.4 "Text Mode Negotiation" discusses only "list" negotiation
        and "numerical" negotiation -- there is no discussion of "binary" or
        "boolean" negotiation.  However, the examples never show the use of a
        list to negotiate any of these parameters.  There are then two
        interpretations of how to negotiate these parameters:
        (a) Use the existing "list" negotiation mechanism for parameters that
            can take only "yes" or "no" as valid values.
            (1) If an initiator has a key named xxx for which it would prefer a
                "yes" setting, but can also operate correctly with a "no" setting,
                then the initiator must offer "xxx=yes,no" to the target and then
                the target must respond with "xxx=yes" if it wants to use the
                feature, "xxx=no" if it does not use the feature, "xxx=reject"
                if it does not support the feature, or "xxx=NotUnderstood" if it
                does not understand the key name xxx.
            (2) If an initiator has a key named xxx for which it can only utilize
                a "yes" setting, it offers the target "xxx=yes".  The target
                must respond with "xxx=yes" if it can also use this feature,
                "xxx=reject" if it either cannot use or does not support this
                feature, or "xxx=NotUnderstood" if it does not understand the
                key name xxx.  The reply "xxx=no" is explicitly disallowed.
            This is a very simple way to do this negotiation, and does not require
            any new mechanism in either the standard or an implementation that
            already does list negotiation.  However, the standard should
            explicitly show an example similar to one of those just shown to make
            it clear that this is the way to do it.
        (b) Invent a new "binary" or "boolean" negotiation.  This would require
            new wording in the standard and probably new code in addition to
            the "list" and "numeric" negotiation implementation code.
            In particular, with this method there is no obvious way for the
            initiator to indicate to the target that it can use either "yes" or
            "no" but would prefer "no", for example, because sending the
            string "xxx=no" could be interpreted either as "only no" or
            "no prefered but yes is also ok".  This gets complicated by
            the default key values.  If the required default is "yes", then
            offering "no" would appear to mean "no is prefered bu yes is also ok".
            If the required default is "no", then offering "no" would not appear
            to be necessary, (but is currently not explicitly prohibited and
            may be useful for implementations that simply send all keys) and
            would appear to mean "only no".
        The group consensus seemed to be that solution (a) is by far the simplest
        and therefore is prefered.
     4. It is not clear from the standard whether or not the value in the
        CmdSN field of an initial login command for a session (i.e., TSID=0) is
        "consumed" by its appearance in the login command or not.  For example,
        suppose an intiator sends a login command with TSID=0 and CmdSN=123
        and then waits for a response from the target.  Should the Login Response
        from the target contain ExpCmdSN=123 or ExpCmdSN=124?  Similarly, should
        the next command sent by the initiator after this login contain CmdSN=123
        or CmdSN=124?
        The consensus seemed to be that ExpCmdSN=124 in the Login Response and
        CmdS124 in the next command, but the standard needs to make it explicit,
        perhaps with an example such as the one just given.
        This is being dealt with in a mailing list thread.
     5. Analagous with point 4, it is not clear how InitStatSN is handled
        by the login phase.  If a login response contains a value of 123
        in its InitStatSN field, is the value of the next response from the
        same target 123 or 124?  For consistency with the handling of CmdSN
        it would appear that 124 is correct.  However, this situation may
        be different because the field is called "InitStatSN", not "StatSN"
        as it is in other responses.
        At the plugfest the consensus was to use the value 124 for now,
        but that 123 MIGHT be better long term.
        A second issue is the fact that there can be two login responses
        in response to a login (the "login partial response" and the
        "login final response"), each of which carries an InitStatSN field.
        It is not clear if the value of the InitStatSN field in a login
        final response needs to be part of the sequence established by
        the InitStatSN field in a preceding login partial response, or whether
        the login final response can restart the sequence to an arbitrary value
        supplied in its InitStatSN field.  The standard should make this
        At the plugfest the consensus was that the final response CAN
        restart the sequence.
        This is being dealt with in a mailing list thread.
     6. During text mode negotiation, if a format error occurs, what is the proper
        response?  Section 6.1 "Format Errors" does not handle all cases.
        (a) During login, suppose the initiator offers a list and the target
            responds with a value that is not in the list (and is not "reject"
            or "Not Understood").  Is the initiator required to close the
            connection or can it just internally recover from the error
            (perhaps reporting the error through the "appropriate service
            response") and continue with the login?
        (b) During full-feature phase, suppose the initiator sends a text
            command that offers a list and the target responds with a value that
            is not in the list (and is not "reject" or "NotUnderstood").
            Section 7.3 deals only with the situation when there is an
            outstanding task related to the PDU, but in this case there is
            no outstanding task.  Therefore, is the proper response to just
            report the error through an appropriate service response
            and then ignore it?
     8. The last example in Appendix A "iSCSI Security and Integrity"
        illustrates a special case that should be elimiated.
        The last sentence of this example says:
        "Note that no SecurityContextComplete=yes is required since no
        security mechanism was chosen."
        But it would be simpler if the exchange of "SecurityContextComplete=yes"
        keys were required in this case.
        The reason they should be required is the following:
        Appendix B. starts by saying that "the parameters (keys)
        negotiated for security are:
            - Digests (HeaderDigest, DataDigest)
            - Authentication method (AuthMethod)"
        Thus as soon as the Initiator offers either the HeaderDigest or
        the DataDigest key, the security negotiation phase has been entered.
        Section 4.2 "Security and Integrity Negotiation" clearly indicates
        that the security sub-phase ends only when both sides have
        correctly executed the "SecurityContextComplete=yes" handshake.
        There is NO qualification in section 4.2 about the outcome of
        the negotiation -- i.e., one would reasonably conclude that
        selecting no digests and no authorization still requires the handshake,
        because the final selections were acheived through negotiation, and the
        handshake marks the end of the security negotiation subphase.
        The phrase in the standard that makes this example "legal" is in
        section 4.3, which says:
        "Operational parameter negotiation during the login MAY be done:
            . . .
        - starting immediately after the Login response with Final bit
        0 if the initiator does offer security/integrity options but
        the target chose none."
        This clause overrides the rules of section 4.2 with a special case.
        Why bother with this special case?  It complicates the logic in
        implementations, requires extra wording in the standard, and appears
        to offer no benefit.  If it stays, there should be some indication
        in section 4.2 about it, or better yet, combine these sections so
        all this information is together in one place.  As it is now, this is
        an error trap for implementors of both targets and initiators.
     9. the SCSI Command (section 2.3) contains R and W bits and an
        "Expected Data Transfer Length".  The standard says in section 2.3.1:
        "b6 (R) set to 1 when input data is expected
         b5 (W) set to 1 when output data is expected"
         and in section 2.3.5:
         "the Expected Data Transfer Length field states the number of bytes
         of data involved in this SCSI operation."
         It then goes on to describe 2 cases:
            - W=1 with R=0,
            - W=0 with R=1.
         The problem is that some SCSI commands involve no data transfer
         (Test Unit Ready is an example).  So in this case, the
         Expected Data Transfer Length field is set to 0.
         How should the R and W bits be set?
            - Should they both be set to 0?
            - are they "don't care" bits so that their value can be anything?
              (In the Test Unit Ready example, some implementations will set
              the R bit because the SCSI implementation interfacing with the
              iSCSI code uses a single bit to differentiate between read and
              write commands, and considers this a read command).
         The standard should make this explicit.
     10.Another problem related to setting the F bit on SCSI commands.
        Section 2.3 says:
        "b7 (F) set to 1 when no unsolicited SCSI Data-Out PDUs follow
         this PDU.  For a write, if Expected Data Transfer Length is
         larger than the Length the target may solicit additional data
         through R2T."
        This does not explicitly say what happens on a read or on a
        command other than a write (point 9 above) or on a write with
        an expected data transfer length of 0.  These commands do
        not allow unsolicited SCSI Data-Out PDUs to follow them, so one
        could infer that the F bit should be set to 1.  However, the present
        wording can also be interpreted that because unsolicited SCSI
        Data-Out PDUs are not allowed to follow these commands, this
        explanation does not apply to them.
        The standard should explicitly state what happens in the case of
        these commands, rather than leave it up to an implication.
     11.In section 1.2.3 iSCSI Login there is the paragraph:
        "The login PDU includes a session ID that is composed of an initiator
        part ISID and a target part TSID.  For a new session, the TSID is
        null.  As part of the response, the target generates a TSID.
     >> Session specific parameters can be specified only for the first login of a
     >> session (TSID null) (e.g., the maximum number of connections that can
     >> be used for this session).  Connection specific parameters, if any,
     >> can be specified for any login.  Thus, a session is operational once
        it has at least one connection."
        The wording of the 2 sentences indicated by ">>" needs to be changed
        to explicitly indicate login phase, since as now worded in could
        be literally interpreted to mean login command only.  Proposed
        rewording for those sentences:
        "Session specific parameters can be specified only during the login phase
        begun by a login command containing a null TSID (e.g., the maximum
        number of connections that can be used for this session).  Connection
        specific parameters, if any, can be specified during the login phase
        begun by any login command.
     12.If unsolicited data is negotiated, it appears that it still does not
        have to be used.  In practice this can lead to performance inefficiencies.
        Consider the following:
            - Unsolicited data has been negotiated to YES but immediate data
              is NO (although a problem still exists even if this is YES).
            - The initiator sends a SCSI command with F=0, W=1 and a large
              Expected Transfer Length field (greater than FirstBurstSize).
            - When the target receives this command, it knows that unsolicited
              data follows (because F=0), but does NOT know how much (there
              is a maximum determined by the negotiated FirstBurstSize, but there
              is no requirement that the initiator actually send this much).
              Therefore, the target cannot at this time send out an R2T to get
              the "rest" of the data --  it must wait to receive data PDUs
              until it gets the F=1 set on one of these data PDUs, and then
              compute the amount of data to ask for in the R2T.  This may
              introduce needless delay.
              To avoid this situation, the standard should either:
              - require that when unsolicited data is to be sent, that the
                amount be min(Expected Transfer Length, FirstBurstSize),
              - alternatively, provide a field in the SCSI command that
                allows the initiator to indicate how much unsolicited data
     13.Some keys are dependent on other keys. For example, the keys that
        determine the actual marker intervals (RFMarkInt, SFMarkInt) have
        meaning only if markers are in fact being used, as determined by
        the FMarker key.  Typically an initiator will offer these
        three keys in the same message.  If the target responds with
        FMarker=no, does it need to respond to the RFMarkInt and SFMarkInt
        keys, or can it just omit those from the response, since whatever
        values they contain will be meaningless anyway?
     14.The login phase involves many combinations and permutations that
        need to be clarified through a state diagram incorporated into
        the standard.  One example is the situation that arises when an
        initiator sends a login command with F=1 and operational parameters
        but no security parameters (because the initiator does not want to
        utilize any security).  The target, however, wishes to use security.
        There appear to be several valid responses the target can give:
        (a) It can reply with a login final response, F=1, Reject Code of
            201 (Authentication failed) and then disconnect.
        (b) It can reply with a login partial response, F=0, status code
            1 (if the login included the ITN) or 2 (if login did not include
            ITN) and offer its own security parameters.
        The consensus seems to be that login in its current form is too
        complex and needs to be simplified considerably.
        One possibility would be to standardize one or a small number of simple,
        "fast-path" logins that involve no (or very limited) negotiation and
        that together would cover the majority of situations.
     15.The issue of case sensitivity in names arose, and is being dealt with
        by a mailing list thread.  There also seems to be cases where the
        Naming and Discovery document is in conflict with the iSCSI Standard.
     16.The issue of using a target name of "iscsi" for both discovery sessions
        and "simple" devices arose, and is being dealt with by a mailing list
        thread and new text in draft 6-98, which was not available at the time
        of the plugfest.
     17.Can the option "none" be offered as the first element in a key list
        if that is in fact the prefered option?  The present wording in
        section 1.2.4 says nothing about where in the list it can be offered,
        so by implication it can be anywhere.  However, the standard should be
        explicit on this point, since all examples (and apparently some
        earlier drafts required) indicate "none" as the last option offered.
     18.The login process is incredibly difficult to understand from the
        current standard.  There are three major obstacles:
        (1) The information is spread out in at least 5 major sections of
            the document (section 1.2.3, section 2.3 and 2.4, section 4,
            Appendix A, and Appendix D.)
        (2) There is no state diagram to bring all this information together.
        (3) It is too complex in its current form.
     19.In Appendix A the Standard defines the crc-32C generator polynomial
        to be used by iSCSI but gives no example of its use.  On the mailing list
        several people worked out an example with actual data and gave the actual
        result of the algorithm.  Also on the mailing list several people
        contributed code to perform this computation.  This information (the
        detailed worked out example and the code) should be made part of the
        standard in order to eliminate any sources of confusion and to allow
        implementors to check their own implementations against a reference.
     20.This is just an observation -- the iSCSI response sent by a target
        contains a Data Segment Length field and requires the SCSI response
        to carry sense and response data in the PDU itself.  Any I/O data
        produced by the SCSI command itself should be carried in a separate
        Data-In command, not in the iSCSI response.  This should be made
        explicit in the standard, especially because in earlier drafts it
        was apparently possible to do this.  The group at the plugfest
        unanimously agrees that SCSI I/O data not be allowed in the iSCSI
        response, but would just like it to be stated explicitly in the standard.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:16 2001
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