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    RE: iSCSI Login Questions

    I've closely following the thread and after going through the interactions,
    I think I've to clear my doubts and present my opinion. If I am NOT on right
    track, please set me straight.
    I agree that the current login sequence is highly flexible and compliance
    testing between initiator and targets will become a real issue.
    As said else where in this discussion we should give thoughts to reducing
    the number of handshakes for a login with and without authentication.
    I would also think that the initiator has implied that authmethod is none by
    not including it. Hence the following sequence is OK. I think if the order
    of the key=value pair of authentication namely authmethod (if not present
    assumed no authentication), SecurityCompleteContext=Yes be specified to be
    ahead of the other parameters. It will be helpful but not a necessity
     I-> Login    SecurityContextComplete=yes + additional parameters.
     T-> Login-FR SecurityContextComplete=yes + additional parameters
    I think the side that requires authentication will give an error. If it is a
    target then login response will be an error code
    of authentication failure and if it is the initiator it can decide not to
    connect to the target by logging off the connection.
    BTW, Which one of the sequences are you suggesting? I guess you are for
    sequence 2) below.
    1) I -> Login - AuthMethod=None
    T -> Login PR - SecurityContextComplete = Yes (May send a final response
    with error if the target requires authentication)
    I -> Text FR -  SecurityContextComplete = Yes + additional parameters
    T -> Target Final Response - SecurityContextComplete = Yes + additional
    2) I -> Login - AuthMethod=None
    T -> Login PR - SecurityContextComplete = Yes (May send a final response
    with error if the target requires authentication)
    I -> Text PR -  SecurityContextComplete = Yes
    T -> Text PR - SecurityContextComplete = Yes
    I -> Text FR - Parameters for negotiation
    T -> Target Final Response - Negotiated parameters
    thanks & regards
    If the sequences mentioned below are all valid,
    plus the trivial sequence:
    I-> Login
    I-> Login-PR
    where these are all followed by Operational
    Parameter negotiation, I have a concern.
    Since either side is allowed to initiate
    the SecurityContextComplete=yes handshake,
    I would think that either Initiator or Target
    would transition to the next phase too soon
    if one side thought the handshake was needed,
    and the other side didn't.
    The only way I see to keep this from happening
    is either:
    1. Don't allow the SecurityContextComplete=yes handshake
    unless AuthMethod, HeaderDigest, or DataDigest keys
    have been offered.
    2. Always require the SecurityContextComplete=yes handshake.
    Steve Senum
    Julian Satran wrote:
    > Yes that is (in 07)  a legitmate sequence.  Julo
    > Steve Senum <> on 26-07-2001 00:25:19
    > Please respond to Steve Senum <>
    > To:   ietf-ips <>
    > cc:
    > Subject:  Re: iSCSI Login Questions
    > Julian,
    > Is it valid (under draft -07) to offer the
    > SecurityContextComplete key without the AuthMethod,
    > HeaderDigest or DataDigest keys having been offered?
    > In other words, are the following sequences valid?
    > Sequence 1:
    > I-> Login    SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > T-> Login-PR SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > Sequence 2:
    > I-> Login
    > T-> Login-PR SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > I-> Text     SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > T-> Text     SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > Sequence 3:
    > I-> Login
    > I-> Login-PR
    > I-> Text     SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > T-> Text     SecurityContextComplete=yes
    > Thanks,
    > Steve Senum


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:11 2001
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