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    Re: iSCSI: SendTargets in login or FFP?

    In order to try to organize information about the key parameters,
    I developed the attached ASCII text file which characterizes each
    key from draft 7 according to 4 attributes:
    1.  what type of key it is, which determines in which login phase
        it can be used.
    2.  when the key can be negotiated.
    3.  who can send the key.
    4.  the scope of application of the key's information.
    The values of these attributes were drawn from Appendixes A and D.
    The only new information added (i.e., information not in draft 7)
    is the characterization of keys into 3 types - security, operational,
    and informational, where the new category "informational"
    applies to keys, such as TargetAddress, TargetName, InitiatorName,
    etc. which can be sent in either the security or operational
    subphases of login, and which simply provide information rather
    than negotiate values.
    There is still a question with regard to the SendTargets key
    -- many of the recent postings regarding the use of SendTargets for
    discovery sessions indicates that people expect this key to be used
    only in Full Feature Phase.  Quoting from Mark Bakke's e-mail of
    > "Anyway, SendTargets is always done in full feature phase, and
    > never during the login phase."
    and later in the same message:
    > No.  The point of doing SendTarget in full feature phase is that the
    > initiators must first go through their normal authentication;
    > SendTargets responses will often be based on the initiator's identity.
    Is this limitation correct?  Or does this limitation apply only for
    discovery sessions?
    The draft currently characterizes SendTargets as ALL, which
    does not imply this limitation.
    If SendTargets is so limited, it would be the only key that could not
    be used somewhere during login.  To cover this case in the attached table
    I have added the category FFP to the 3 existing categories IO, LO,
    and ALL.  Draft 7 would have to be modified to reflect this.
    If this limitation is not correct, the category FPP
    disappears and the ALL category would continue to apply to SendTargets
    (and targest can expect to receive SendTargets during login).
    Bob Russell
    InterOperability Lab
    University of New Hampshire
    On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Julian Satran wrote:
    > Eddy,
    > SendTargets can be used in both discovery session and normal session.
    > Would you please clarify when you think this restriction should apply?
    > Julo
    > "Eddy Quicksall" <> on 24-07-2001 04:15:56
    > Please respond to "Eddy Quicksall" <>
    > To:   Julian Satran/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL,
    > cc:
    > Subject:  iSCSI: SendTargets in login or FFP?
    > The spec says:
    >   An initiator can log into this default target [iSCSI]
    >   name, and use a command called "SendTargets" to retrieve a list of
    >   iSCSI targets that exist at that address
    > I assume this means the SendTargets would be used in Full Feature Phase ...
    > the initiator would login using TargetName=iSCSI. That would get into FFP
    > and then the initiator would use SendTargets= to get the list of targets.
    > Then, login again with the appropriate target.
    > The spec says:
    >   In full feature phase the initiator may send SCSI
    >   commands and data to the various LUs on the target by wrapping them
    >   in iSCSI PDUs that go over the established iSCSI session.
    > That means the target has to do something if a CDB is received to the iSCSI
    > canonical target. The spec doesn't give any suggestions here. I am assuming
    > the target would give a reject PDU with a reason of "Protocol Error" (code
    > 5).
    > Do you agree that this is what should happen?
    > We shouldn't require that the target enter FFP when it would not be valid
    > to
    > send a CDB. I think SendTargets should be done only at LO or IO time and
    > that iSCSI should not get you into FFP. That would simplify coding.
    There are 4 attributes or properties that characterize each key:
    1.  The type of key, which determines in which login phase it can be used:
        a.  security - security phase only - Appendix A - my label SEC
        b.  operational - operational phase only - Appendix D - my label OP
        c.  informational - both phases - Appendix D - my label INFO
    2.  When the key can be negotiated:
        a.  during the leading login that establishes a new session -  label LO
        b.  during any login - label IO
        c.  during any login or during full feature phase - label ALL
        d.  during full feature phase only - my label FFP
    3.  Who can send the key:
        a.  Initiator only - my label I
        b.  Target only - my label T
        c.  Initiator and Target - IT
    4.  The scope of application of the key's information:
        a.  Session specific - session-wide - my label SESS
        b.  Connection specific - particular connection only - my label CONN
        c.  Not relevant - my label NR
    The keys defined in Draft 07 Appendixes A and D (with section and page numbers):
                                        Att1    Att2    Att3    Att4
    No  Key                     Page    Type    When    Who     Scope
    --  ---                     ----    ----    ----    ----    -----
    01  HeaderDigest            135     SEC     IO      IT      CONN
    01  DataDigest              135     SEC     IO      IT      CONN
    01  AuthMethod              135     SEC     IO      IT      CONN
    10  MaxConnections          157     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    11  SendTargets             157     INFO    FFP     I       NR
    12  TargetAddress           157     INFO    ALL     T       NR
    13  TargetName              158     INFO    LO      I       NR
                                                ALL     T
    14  InitiatorName           159     INFO    LO      I       NR
    15  TargetAlias             159     INFO    ALL     T       NR
    16  InitiatorAlias          159     INFO    ALL     I       NR
    18  AccessID                160     INFO    ALL     I       NR
    19  FMarker                 161     SEC     LO      IT      CONN
    20  RFMarkInt               161     SEC     LO      IT      CONN
    21  SFMarkInt               162     SEC     LO      IT      CONN
    22  InitialR2T              162     OP      ALL     IT      SESS
    23  BidiInitialR2T          162     OP      ALL     IT      SESS
    24  ImmediateData           163     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    25  DataPDULength           164     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    26  FirstBurstSize          164     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    27  LogoutLoginMinTime      165     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    28  LogoutLoginMaxTime      165     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    29  MaxOutstandingR2T       165     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    30  DataOrder               165     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    31  DataDeliveryOrder       166     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    32  CommandReplaySupport    166     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    33  CommandFailoverSupport  167     OP      LO      IT      SESS
    34  SessionType             167     INFO    LO      I       SESS
    35  OpParmReset             167     OP      IO      IT      CONN
    36  X---                    168     OP      ALL     IT      ?


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:07 2001
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