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    iSCSI: error recovery proposals from London

    During the just concluded IETF-51 in London, I made a presentation 
    on error recovery status in iSCSI and made certain specific proposals 
    on behalf of Julian Satran, Randy Haagens and myself.  This message 
    is intended to give an overview of the presentation, and to seek
    WG consensus on these issues.
    The slide set that I used for the presentation is on Julian's website
    The first few slides summarize the challenges of error recovery design 
    in iSCSI and outline the current (as of rev07) philosophy of iSCSI to 
    address these challenges.
    The three specific proposals that I presented are -
    1. Continued definition of SNACK:  Though continuing to define SNACK in
       iSCSI does not involve any changes to the draft, I thought it is fair
       to bring up this issue since there had been much debate about the 
       need for SNACK in this forum and ERT.  
       The slides present the pros and cons of SNACK (essentially the reasoning
       for the current support of SNACK).  While the negative aspects of SNACK
       are presented with possible options to address those, the slide set 
       points out the solid positive aspects of SNACK.  In particular, following
       are the factors that swayed the decision in favor of SNACK. 
                a)There has been a disproportionate amount of focus on the 
                  data recovery capability of SNACK, but a much more important 
                  aspect of SNACK is the ability to recover statuses (thus 
                  StatSNs), in turn preventing connection failures due to 
                  status sequence holes.
                b)Philosophically, the draft supports the notion of 
                  "retransmission" of PDUs by defining transparent failover 
                  of commands to different connections.  SNACK merely makes 
                  this implicit allowance for retransmission into an explicit 
                  statement.  Remember, neither SNACK nor command failover 
                  is mandatory.
                c)Partial I/O recovery has been considered a requirement for
                  tape devices in the FC world.  SNACK satisfies this requirement.
                  (Two tape experts present in the WG meeting strongly supported 
                   this reasoning.)
    There was a strong consensus in the meeting to continue defining SNACK.
    2. Need for a hierarchy: The proposal here was to define the error recovery 
       capabilities as a hierarchy of recovery levels, with each layer being a 
       superset of the capabilities of the level below.  This has the benefit of
       significantly decreasing the test matrix, and requires only incremental
       capabilities for increasingly sophisticated implementations.
    There was a strong consensus in the meeting to define an iSCSI error 
    recovery hierarchy.
    3. Proposed hierarchy: This proposal outlines a specific hierarchy of
       recovery levels.  The features of this are -
            - Four optional error recovery levels.
                   *Level1:Within-connection recovery
                   *Level2:Within-command recovery 
                   *Level3:Connection recovery
                   *Level4:Command replay
            - One mandatory recovery level 
                   *Level0:Session recovery
       Following are the incremental book- keeping & resource requirements
       with going up each level.
       Recovery Level transition         Incremental requirement 
        0 -> 1                      Atmost one PDU retransmission per task.
        1 -> 2                      Retransmit possibilities include data PDUs.
        2 -> 3                      Retransmission across connections.
        3 -> 4                      Replaying the entire command.
    The consensus call on this one was deferred in London, in favor of taking 
    it to the reflector to solicit more comments.
       Let me add one comment here - the proposed hierarchy is based on what 
       I called as the "incremental aspirations" (please refer to slide 13) 
       of increasingly sophisticated implementations.  There are different 
       ways of approaching this layering (for ex., it is *not* SNACK-centric - 
       ordering layers based on their reliance on SNACK).  In the presenters' 
       opinion, the proposed approach was deemed the most reasonable.
    Your comments are welcome.
    Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    Networked Storage Architecture
    Network Storage Solutions Organization
    MS 5668	Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:01 2001
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