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    Fwd: RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol

    >Importance: Normal
    >Subject: RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol
    >To: "Mark S. Edwards" <>
    >X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 (Intl) 21 March 2000
    >From: "John Hufferd" <>
    >Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 12:15:13 -0700
    >X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on D03NM065/03/M/IBM(Release 5.0.8 |June 
    >18, 2001) at
    >  08/15/2001 01:15:56 PM
    >I understand what you are saying.  You will be setting up LUN "Sets"  which
    >you want the initiators to think of as iSCSI Targets that just happen to
    >have the exact same LUNs that you are virtualizing to that Initiator.  You
    >are also saying that this approach finds Alias very useful.  OK, I can buy
    >what you said, just as long as people do not think that Alias and LUNs
    >somehow map together, with out such a virtualizing layer.
    >I think this needs to be posted to the main list.  So if you would, since
    >you sent this to just me, please post you statement and my reply to the IPS
    >iSCSI Reflector.
    >John L. Hufferd
    >Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
    >IBM/SSG San Jose Ca
    >Main Office (408) 256-0403, Tie: 276-0403,  eFax: (408) 904-4688
    >Home Office (408) 997-6136
    >Internet address:
    >"Mark S. Edwards" <> on 08/14/2001 10:44:33 PM
    >To:   John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS
    >Subject:  RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol
    >Perhaps a loose use of terminology, but we are implementing a virtual SCSI
    >layer on the target.  In this case, people tend to view a single exported
    >LU as a target in its own right and the primary way of understanding it's
    >identity is with the alias.  Multiple LUN's behind a virtual target are a
    >slightly different matter.
    >I know the spec does not address issues such as virtualisation, and at this
    >stage it is a complication it can well do without.  Perhaps I tossed the
    >note off thinking in local terminology and should be more careful to filter
    >to terminology to where the group thinks it's at.  However, we have found
    >that the group does tend to discuss matters either from the perspective of
    >the initiator or by assuming that the protocol is relatively symmetric.
    >Since we are only producing a target, we seem to have encountered
    >a lot of the complicated target issues ahead of many others
    >realising how different the initiator and target environments really are.
    >At 02:47 AM 8/14/2001 -0700, John Hufferd wrote:
    > >Mark,
    > >Perhaps I misunderstood your note, however, even though you wisely support
    > >Alias :-), they do not supply any help with LU/LUNs.  They only permit the
    > >customer to have names for his iSCSI Targets (think Raid Controllers, not
    > >LUs), however, that is still very useful.
    > >
    > >.
    > >.
    > >.
    > >John L. Hufferd
    > >Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
    > >IBM/SSG San Jose Ca
    > >Main Office (408) 256-0403, Tie: 276-0403,  eFax: (408) 904-4688
    > >Home Office (408) 997-6136
    > >Internet address:
    > >
    > >
    > >"Mark S. Edwards" <> on 08/13/2001 10:46:35
    > >PM
    > >
    > >Sent by:
    > >
    > >
    > >To:
    > >cc:
    > >Subject:  RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >At 09:09 PM 8/13/2001 -0400, wrote:
    > >
    > > >Let me also acknowledge as valid Marj's opinion that anything of
    > > >this sort belongs in a management tool rather than the protocol.
    > >
    > >But it only works if everyone uses the same management tool, or the tools
    > >agree upon the location and storage format of the information --  Somebody
    > >dig me up from my grave when Tivoli and OpenView merge.
    > >
    > >As a way of easily identifying virtual LUN's or LU's within a Target Space
    > >of potential hundreds or thousands the alias is very valuable.
    > >
    > >Mark.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:00 2001
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