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    RE: FCIP & this list

    > On 17 August 2001, David Black wrote:
    > > While I'm at it, it appears to me that the FCIP authors
    > > are reverting to the unfortunate habit of holding technical
    > > discussions off-line and not sharing them with the list.
    > First, the FCIP authors are posting their works to this
    > reflector.  Otherwise, there would have been nothing
    > to complain about vis-a-vis the content of the FCIP
    > draft on 17 August.
    Unfortunately, posting the "works" is not enough.  The rationale
    behind the design decisions needs to be visible and open to
    discussion on the list.  The fact that the FCIP authors have
    discussed an issue offline will not be sufficient to resolve
    a related WG Last Call objection on the list - to oversimplify
    things slightly, the choice is between doing this right and
    doing it over.
    > Second, this reflector is clearly the ALL iSCSI ALL THE
    > TIME reflector.  In the last 24 hours, no fewer than two
    > new postings to this reflector have failed to include the
    > project identifier in the subject as requested by John
    > Hufferd and myself less than two weeks ago.
    There's a chicken and egg problem here in that the FCIP
    authors have chosen to do their technical work offline
    and invite anyone who expresses any interest in FCIP into
    that offline community including the conference calls.
    That is a major contributing factor to the current traffic
    mix on the reflector, as anyone with an FCIP issue will take
    it to the conference call.  My attitude towards the conference
    calls has been one of tolerating them *as long as*
    the issues/discussion/results are summarized to the list,
    which has not been happening.  I can't promise that the
    Area Directors will be as accommodating.
    > And why should people bother to prefix iSCSI postings with
    > "iSCSI:" when one of the co-chairs violated the protocol
    > as recently as yesterday morning with a posting titled
    > "FW: I-D ACTION:draft-black-ips-iscsi-security-01.txt".
    IIRC, the FCIP authors have stated an intention to follow
    iSCSI's security direction, making iSCSI security drafts
    (both that and draft-aboba) relevant to FCIP.  If the FCIP
    authors have made an offline decision that iSCSI security
    is no longer relevant to FCIP, than I apologize for the
    lack of tag, but I do wish someone had paid me the courtesy
    of letting me know about this change in direction ...
    > The FCIP authors are trying to complete their draft
    > under clearly disadvantaged circumstances.  Due diligence
    > is being made to bring issues to this reflector and to
    > respond to the concerns raised here.  And, I have no
    > doubt that the issue raised on 17 August will be addressed
    > in due course.
    > But it is patent nonsense to claim that the FCIP authors
    > should be trying to use this reflector in the traditional
    > IETF manner.  This reflector belongs to iSCSI, and to all
    > practical purposes it belongs ONLY to iSCSI.
    When in Rome ...
    > FCIP (and for that matter iFCP) are barely tolerated,
    > uninvited guests, or at least that is how it feels
    > every time I review the directory the day's new messages.
    WG Last Call will be conducted on this reflector for FCIP
    and iFCP.  If the FCIP authors continue in their current
    direction, those WG Last Calls could take a very long time.
    David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140     FAX: +1 (508) 497-8500       Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:57 2001
6315 messages in chronological order