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    Re: ISCSI: A propos MIB and specially iSCSI MIB

    Thanks for the comments.  My comments are below.
    Michele Hallak - Stamler wrote:
    > Since you are meeting at interim meetings on MIBs:
    > The following mail summarizes my suggestions concerning the improvement
    > of iSCSI MIB:
    > 1. New Textual Convention:
    >  AuthenticationMethodTC  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    >     STATUS current
    >         "List of possible authentication methods."
    >     SYNTAX INTEGER {
    >                 none(1),
    >                 crc32(2),
    >                 crc64(3),
    >                 md5(4),
    >                 kerberosMd5(5),
    >                 kerberosMd5des(6),
    >                 kerberosMd5desHmark(7)
    >         }
    This is a text field in the current MIB; it will change to
    an OID field in the next version, which acts a little like
    your enumerated types, but is extensible without modifying
    the MIB.  BTW, this is a set of two attributes called DataDigest
    and HeaderDigest; AuthMethod is something completely different.
    All of the digest methods will be removed from draft-08 with
    the exception of "none" and "crc-32c".  With the new OID scheme;
    values for these can be added to your enterprise MIB if you
    choose to implement them.
    > 2. Add RowStatus and Read-Write Access to the portals and to the
    > authorized list of initiators.
    Which attributes to write and which rows to delete are currently
    under consideration.  We are looking for detailed input on this.
    Please send the list of attributes you wish to write, and why
    you wish to write them.
    > 3. Add RowStatus to iscsiTargetAttributesTable in order to allow an
    > administrator to create target and
    > set the access of the fields:     iscsiTgtName  and iscsiTgtAlias as
    > read-create
    It's not possible to create an iSCSI target without first creating
    a SCSI target.  I don't think we will be ready to explore this until
    we have made progress on a SCSI MIB.  If you have some ideas on how
    a management station would make use of this (with both MIBs) to create
    new targets, please send them.
    > I hope that you'll aggree to make the change,
    >         Michele
    Mark A. Bakke
    Cisco Systems


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:53 2001
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