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    RE: iSCSI: reusing ISID for recovery

    You wrote:
    IMO, if option B were provided, initiator implementations would always just
    turn on the "logout" bit, "just to be safe" and therefore, it would
    effectively be no different than option A (just more protocol bits). 
    I concur with this.
    Platys Communications
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jim Hafner []
    > Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 2:19 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: RE: iSCSI: reusing ISID for recovery
    > Marj,
    > I agree (that is, I don't like option C).  I'm waffling 
    > between A and B.  A
    > is simpler and B is "more polite".
    > But I have a twist on option B that may make it a bit more palettable.
    > The problem with option B is that requires extra protocol to have the
    > additional bit to force the logout of the "dead" session, 
    > mostly because
    > the initiator doesn't have the context left for the old 
    > session.  Suppose
    > we have the target reject but in the response it puts what it 
    > is using for
    > TSID in the usual place.  In effect, this is saying to the 
    > initiator "I
    > already have a session in place with this ISID/TSID value".
    > I think this gives the initiator the handle it needs to expressly do a
    > logout of the old session (with a valid ISID/TSID pair) or at 
    > least enough
    > information for the initiator to figure out what's gone 
    > wrong.  That is, it
    > can do session recovery or whatever else is needed.  In this 
    > way, we don't
    > need anything like a "force" bit in the login.  He has more 
    > steps to do,
    > but they would be the same steps he would do if he just 
    > wanted to cleanup a
    > old session he did know about.
    > Jim Hafner


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:52 2001
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