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    Re: iSCSI: definition of TSID (2.11.4 of draft 07)

    Sorry, I was travelling, so couldn't get back sooner.  Let me say first 
    off that I am not disagreeing with you, only suggesting more explicit
    I see that the text you sent offline does contain "assumption A" stated
    explicitly - thanks.  I believe that's necessary since one could very
    attach new connections to an existing SSID when its uniqueness is
    between just the target portal group and the initiator. 
    I am still though missing the rationale for mandating uniqueness of SSID
    between the target (across all portals) and initiator.  I assume target 
    knows the portal group based on which IP address the login arrives on - 
    eventhough not explicitly carried in the payload.
    Coming to my harping on the nexus identifier, there are two reasons -
        -  It seems to provide a nice rationale for the above issue (refer
           to my previous mail at the bottom on how).  Please set me
           if I am totally ignoring something I shouldn't.
        -  You stated that iSCSI is the first transport which opens the 
           possibility of "parallel nexus" and so iSCSI mandates
           not to allow it - but appears to stop short of specifying an
           identifier/means to enforce this mandatory requirement.  May be
           it's just me who is troubled by this...
    Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    Networked Storage Architecture
    Network Storage Solutions Organization
    MS 5668 Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.
    Jim Hafner wrote:
    > Mallikarjun,
    > There are two assumptions that go into the model and requirements (as I see
    > it).  One is currently implicit in draft-07 and is an iSCSI issue, the
    > other is a bit more explicit and is a SCSI issue with iSCSI implications.
    > These are
    > A) (Uniqueness of SIDs) Between a given iSCSI Initiator Node and iSCSI
    > Target Node there can be only one session with a given SID.  [This is
    > implied by the language that says that a login attempt that uses an
    > existing SID=ISID||TSID is an attempt to *add* a connection to the existing
    > session. (This is the response I got from Julian when I suggested making
    > this explicit.)
    > B) (No parallel I_T nexus) Between a given SCSI Initiator Port and SCSI
    > Target Port there can be only one nexus.  [With the definition of SCSI
    > Initiator Port as the endpoint of a session identified by iSCSI Initiator
    > Name + ISID, and with the definition of the SCSI Target Port as the target
    > portal group identified by the iSCSI Target Name + portal group tag, we get
    > the ISID RULE as stated (or intended) in the draft.]
    > The minimalist requirement is to meet the these two rules (assumptions).
    > There is a typo in the text you quote.  It should read "The TSID name space
    > of the iSCSI Target should be partitioned among the target portal groups".
    > But as we've discussed this really less of a requirement than it is a
    > desirable "note to implementers" (and I'm going to propose that this sort
    > of text move to that section).
    > In what you say below, the "no parallel nexus" (assumption B) is enforced
    > by the ISID RULE.  Assumption A (uniquely identified sessions) is enforced
    > if the target does the right thing when selecting a TSID *to pair with* an
    > ISID.  My text for the definition of TSID simply says that the target
    > should find a new TSID that enforces Assumption A (no more and no less).
    > All the stuff about partitioning name space belongs in "notes to
    > implementers".  So, between my proposed definition of TSID and the ISID
    > RULE, both assumptions are satisfied and the model works.  No finer
    > restrictions are required *by the model*.
    > Note that in all this description, we haven't had to provide a formal
    > definition of "nexus identifier".
    > The reason is two fold.  First, independent of what we might use to
    > identify them, the I_T nexus is defined as a relationship between a SCSI
    > Initiator Port and a SCSI Target Port.  Assumption B says we can't have two
    > such relationships active at one time.  As I've noted above, the ISID RULE
    > enforces that.  Second, the nexus identifier doesn't get used in SAM-2
    > explicitly anyway and in SAM-3 it will probably be "up to the transport to
    > define AND relative to the viewpoint of the initiator or target".  That
    > last part means that the nexus identifier may not need a globally unique
    > value, but may depend on whose end of the nexus you're looking from.  E.g.,
    > the target side need only track the "relative target port" and need not
    > care about the external address/name/identifier of that port when defining
    > its value for the nexus identifier.  In short, the nexus identifier issue
    > is tangential (and we can safely skip it formally).
    > Jim Hafner
    > [P.S. See also the proposed rewrite of the relevant draft sections in the
    > stuff I sent you off-line, as well, and see if that doesn't help clarify.]
    > "Mallikarjun C." <> on 08/28/2001 06:20:16 pm
    > Please respond to
    > Sent by:
    > To:
    > cc:
    > Subject:  RE: iSCSI: definition of TSID (2.11.4 of draft 07)
    > Jim,
    > Thanks for the explanation.
    > >The model says that the *combination of ISID || TSID* has to be unique
    > >between a given initiator and a given target.
    > Actually, I do not find this formulation stated anywhere
    > in rev07.
    > The closest about TSID assignment policy is this sentence
    > in section 1.5.3: "The TSID name space of the iSCSI Initiator
    > should be partitioned among the target portal groups."
    > My earlier comments were based on this quote.
    > More importantly, let me try to understand the reasoning
    > behind this formulation.  The only reason that I could come
    > up with is to preclude a "parallel nexus".  In our previous
    > conversation, we identified two types of nexus ids for this
    > enforcement - a)InitiatorName-ISID-TargetName-TargetPortalGroupTag
    > b)SSID-InitiatorName-TargetName.  By choosing the stated
    > formulation (in conjunction with the ISID RULE), are you
    > attempting to ensure that a parallel nexus cannot be created
    > if one goes with either definition?
    > Thanks.
    > --
    > Mallikarjun
    > Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    > Networked Storage Architecture
    > Network Storage Solutions Organization
    > MS 5668   Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.
    > >Mallikarjun,
    > >
    > >What you suggest is *more* than is required for uniqueness!  Again, that's
    > >an implementation choice that goes beyond the model.
    > >
    > >The model says that the *combination of ISID || TSID* has to be unique
    > >between a given initiator and a given target.
    > >When you say " If there are multiple sessions with an initiator, each
    > would
    > >anyway be assigned a different TSID"  you are assuming that the TSID alone
    > >provide the uniqueness (between a pair).   It can, but it's more than is
    > >necessary.
    > >
    > >In short, you're still selecting an implementation.   Here's two other
    > >implementations.  Suppose I have exactly one Target Portal Group.  Then I
    > >can meet the uniqueness requirements by (a) enforcing the ISID RULE and
    > (b)
    > >using TSID=1 *for every session*!  This one is "minimalist" with respect
    > to
    > >the model.  (Because there is only one portal group, I can leverage the
    > >uniqueness of the ISID to meet the general uniqueness rule -- it's very
    > >different if I have more portal groups (see note below)) The "maximalist"
    > >implementation with respect to the model is (a) enforce the ISID RULE and
    > >(b') use a unique TSID for each session I have regardless of initiator
    > >name!
    > >
    > >The spec should say what is required to implement the model.  In my mind,
    > >that's the rule that says the combination of ISID and TSID (the SID) must
    > >be unique between a pair (initiator and target).   And that's all I'm
    > >asking for in the definition of TSID.
    > >
    > >Jim Hafner
    > >
    > >Note: If I had more than one portal group, I might legitimately see the
    > >same ISID (from the same initiator) come in to each portal group.  In that
    > >case, I need to use a different TSID for each such occurrence.  If I say,
    > >for example, that each portal group always uses it's portal group tag as
    > >it's TSID (not required, just a choice), then I get uniqueness of SID's
    > >again.  This is again, a minimalist implementation with respect to the
    > >model.   This also gives an example of why the TSID namespace "should" be
    > >partitioned between the portal groups, so they can always be sure that
    > they
    > >won't accidentally create an SID that is the same as an existing one.  As
    > >long as the "half" of the SID one portal group generates is different from
    > >the half generated by another portal group, there will be no chance of
    > >collision.  [This is delegation of naming authority!!!]  The same
    > principle
    > >holds on the initiator side in how it generates ISIDs.
    > >
    > >Are we getting closer?
    > >
    > >"Mallikarjun C." <> on 08/28/2001 04:10:24 pm
    > >
    > >Please respond to
    > >
    > >Sent by:
    > >
    > >
    > >To:   Jim Hafner/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
    > >cc:
    > >Subject:  RE: iSCSI: definition of TSID (2.11.4 of draft 07)
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Jim,
    > >
    > >I see your point about the current wording possibly suggesting
    > >an implementation option.
    > >
    > >Can I suggest the following text:
    > >
    > >  The TSID is a target-assigned tag which together with the InitiatorName
    > >  uniquely identifies the session within the target.
    > >
    > >It appears to me that it's all that's required for uniqueness, I
    > >don't think we need to mention ISID here.  If there are multiple
    > >sessions with an initiator, each would anyway be assigned a different
    > >TSID.  What am I missing?
    > >--
    > >Mallikarjun
    > >
    > >
    > >Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    > >Networked Storage Architecture
    > >Network Storage Solutions Organization
    > >MS 5668   Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >>Marj,
    > >>
    > >>Comments in line (as usual...).  But for the person of few words, I'd
    > >agree
    > >>with just this text (your first sentence only):
    > >>
    > >>"The TSID is the target assigned tag for a session with a specific named
    > >>initiator
    > >>that, together with the ISID uniquely identifies a session with that
    > >>initiator."
    > >>
    > >>(I moved the word "name" around because the session is with the initiator
    > >>not with the name.)
    > >>
    > >>Jim Hafner
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>"KRUEGER,MARJORIE (HP-Roseville,ex1)" <>
    > >
    > >>on 08/28/2001 02:46:45 pm
    > >>
    > >>Sent by:
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>To:
    > >>cc:
    > >>Subject:  RE: iSCSI: definition of TSID (2.11.4 of draft 07)
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>I'm curious why you've phrased it this way.  I think of it more like;
    > >>
    > >>"The TSID is the target assigned tag for a session with a specific
    > >>initiator
    > >>name that, together with the ISID uniquely identifies a session with that
    > >>initiator.
    > >><JLH>
    > >>I don't really see the subtle difference between this text and mine, so I
    > >>guess I don't have any problem with it.  At least it doesn't bind the
    > >>definition to anything SCSI'ish.
    > >></JLH>
    > >>
    > >>However, the target MUST enforce uniqueness of the SSID for a given I_T
    > >>combination (in order for login and recovery rules to make sense).
    > >><JLH>
    > >>I think I see what you're getting at here, but I don't think the words
    > >>capture it (it looks like an incorrect use of "I_T nexus" (a SCSI thing).
    > >>Do you mean:
    > >>
    > >>  "However, the target MUST enforce the uniqueness of the SSID [aside:
    > >>isn't this 'SID'?] for sessions with a given initiator."
    > >>
    > >>If so, I can go with this text, but I think this is stated in other
    > places
    > >>and need not be here.  But I won't argue if it is also here.
    > >></JLH>
    > >>
    > >>The TSID MAY be a unique tag for a session with a specific initiator
    > >name."
    > >><JLH>
    > >>I don't think this belongs at all.  It is an implementation statement and
    > >>so outside the scope.  It's a true statement, but I don't think it should
    > >>be made explicit (especially in this part of the document -- I'd have
    > less
    > >>problem with this in the "Notes to Implementers" but even then it is
    > >>suggesting a prefered(?) implementation).
    > >></JLH>
    > >>
    > >>I know the last "rule" is more for convenience than to follow the
    > >"modeling
    > >>rules" (but that's the most straight forward way to implement TSID
    > >>assignment?).  From the target viewpoint, it must first set the context
    > of
    > >>the initiator name, secondly the ISID.
    > >><JLH>
    > >>First, it's not necessarily the most straightforward way. It could
    > >generate
    > >>a unique TSID for every session regardless of initiator name.  That gives
    > >>it a twobyte pointer to the session context.  That's a lot more efficient
    > >>(perhaps) than having to also have an initiator name in that "pointer".
    > >>So, if you go with your implementation, you have to index on the
    > >name+TSID,
    > >>and that's too big, so you need an indirect pointer to the context and at
    > >>that point it doesn't really matter what the TSID is relative to other
    > >>TSIDs; you can use the name + joint SID=ISID||TSID as your index (it's
    > >only
    > >>2 bytes more out of a possible 258!).
    > >>
    > >>So, I argue for no statement about implementation options, leave that to
    > >>the clever programmers!
    > >></JLH>
    > >>
    > >>Marjorie Krueger
    > >>Networked Storage Architecture
    > >>Networked Storage Solutions Org.
    > >>Hewlett-Packard
    > >>tel: +1 916 785 2656
    > >>fax: +1 916 785 0391
    > >>email:
    > >>
    > >>> -----Original Message-----
    > >>> From: Jim Hafner []
    > >>> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 12:59 PM
    > >>> To:
    > >>> Subject: iSCSI: definition of TSID (2.11.4 of draft 07)
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> Folks,
    > >>>
    > >>> The following text defines TSID in referenced document (and with the
    > >>> changes proposed by Mallikarjun):
    > >>>
    > >>> "The TSID is a tag that identifies the SCSI initiator port.
    > >>> TSID is set by
    > >>> the target.  It MUST be valid only in the final response."
    > >>>
    > >>> I'm trying to figure out what the TSID has to do with the
    > >>> SCSI initiator
    > >>> port.  As I understand it, they are completely unrelated (at an
    > >>> architecture level).  In implementation may choose to use the
    > >>> TSID as a
    > >>> pointer to the session in a unique way across all sessions in
    > >>> the target or
    > >>> in a unique way across all sessions with a given named iSCSI
    > >>> initiator or
    > >>> it can do any number of other things.  It is, in my opinion,
    > >>> unrelated to
    > >>> the SCSI initiator port.
    > >>>
    > >>> I would propose the following alternative text:
    > >>>
    > >>> "The TSID is a tag set by the target that, together with the ISID,
    > >>> identifies a unique session with the initiator."
    > >>>
    > >>> Comments?
    > >>>
    > >>> Jim Hafner
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:49 2001
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