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    iSCSI: Comments on draft 07-97

    Hi Julian,
    Some comments on the draft-ietf-ips-iSCSI-07-97.txt.
    In section 3.10.4:
         3.10.4 Text 
            The initiator sends the target a set of key=value or key=list pairs 
            encoded in UTF-8 Unicode. All the text keys and text values specified 
            in this document are to be presented and interpreted in the case they 
            appear in this document (they are case sensitive). The key and value 
            are separated by a '=' (0x3d) delimiter. Every key=value pair 
            (including the last or only pair) MUST be followed by exactly one 
            null (0x00) delimiter.  A list is a set of values separated by comma 
            (0x2c). Binary items can be encoded using their hexadecimal 
            representation (e.g., 8190 is 0x1ffe) or decimal representation. If 
            not specified otherwise the maximum length of an individual value 
            (not its string representation) is 255 bytes not including the 
            delimiter (comma or null).  Large binary items can be encoded using 
            the Base64 encoding as specified by [RFC1521] preceded by the 0b.  
            Key names MUST NOT exceed 63 bytes. 
            The data lengths of a text request or response MUST NOT exceed 4096 
            Character strings are represented as plain text. Numeric and binary 
            values are represented using decimal numbers, the hexadecimal 0xffff 
            encoding or the Base64 encoding. Upper and lower case letters may be 
            used interchangeably in hexadecimal notation (i.e., 0x1aBc, 0x1AbC 
            and 0x1ABC are equivalent).   
    1. The third paragraph overlaps with the first. I would suggest moving
    all discussion on encodings to a seperate paragraph.
    2. Why RFC 1521?  Is was obsoleted by RFC 2045.
    3. Could you define a "large binary item"?  A value larger than
    32 bits?  Larger than can fit as hexadecimal in 255 characters,
    including the 0x prefix?
    4. Can any key use the base64, or only those that specify it?
    If a key specifies it, can it also use decimal and hexadecimal
    5. You might want to mention something about numbers prefixed
    with '0' being decimal (i.e., 011 is 11 (base 10), not 9 (base 8)),
    since we are sort of following the C language integer number
    6. I don't undertand the "(not its string representation)" clause?
    Does this mean something like ("not its unicode character count")?
    Or say something like:
            If not specified otherwise the maximum length of an
            individual encoded value is 255 bytes not including the 
            delimiter (comma or null).
    7. In the following paragraph:
            Manufacturers may introduce new keys by prefixing them with X- 
            followed by their (reversed) domain name, for example the company 
            owning the domain can issue:  
    Why all the zeros?  I would expect something like:
    8. Appendix A has:
            KRB_AP_REQ, KRB_AP_REP encoded as base64 strings. 
            [Public Key]         
            All the SPKM-* tokens are encoded as base64 strings and their binary 
            length (not the encoded length) MUST not exceed 2048 bytes. 
            Where U, N, g, s, A, B, M and H(A | M | K) are defined in [RFC2945]. 
            U is a text string, N,g,s,A,B,M and H(A | M | K) are numbers. 
            N is a text string, A,A1,A2,I are numbers and C,R are 
            large binaries encoded as hexadecimal strings. 
    Why are SRP values all defined as numbers?  From my (perhaps wrong)
    understanding of SRP, N, A and B can quite large, like 2048 bits
    or 256 bytes. I would think these should be encoded (always) as base64.
    Also, I belive M and H(...) are 160 bits, and s can go larger than
    32 bits, perhaps they should always be encoded as hexadecimal strings?
    Steve Senum


Last updated: Sat Sep 29 08:17:17 2001
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