Dear Costa and all,
I saw yours posting long ago about NFS V2/V3 header
splitting technique (
) and I would just like to ask if I may a quick question.
In CIFS, you said it may be costly to perform it since it
does not have fix size trailer.
From my understanding, if I just interested in splitting SMB read respond and write request
commands from their payloads, all I need is to parse the header by hunting for
those commands and then for each of those commands, the actual payload starts at
the offset specified by a field called DataOffset.
So to me it does not look like it cost much to do header split for the few
commands that are important.
Of course, do a pure header split of all SMB commands from their payload
could be costly in terms of firmware code space and performance.
Am I missing some thing big time here?
I really appreciate and respect your view on this subject.