PDL Abstract

Tashi: Location-aware Cluster Management

First Workshop on Automated Control for Datacenters and Clouds (ACDC'09), Barcelona, Spain, June 2009.

Michael A. Kozuch*, Michael P. Ryan*, Richard Gass*, Steven W. Schlosser*, David O’Hallaron*, James Cipar, Elie Krevat, Julio López, Michael Stroucken, Gregory R. Ganger

*Intel Research Pittsburgh
4720 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Parallel Data Laboratory
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Big Data applications, those that require large data corpora either for correctness or for delity, are becoming increasingly prevalent. Tashi is a cluster management system designed particularly for enabling cloud computing applications to operate on repositories of Big Data. These applications are extremely scalable but also have very high resource demands. A key technique for making such applications perform well is Location-Awareness. This paper demonstrates that location-aware applications can outperform those that are not location aware by factors of 3-11 and
describes two general services developed for Tashi to provide location-awareness independently of the storage system.