The Parallel Data Lab at Carnegie Mellon University is academia's premiere data systems research center. An interdisciplinary group, its 50+ researchers come mainly from the Computer Science and ECE Departments. PDL also has a lot of friends in industry who generously provide us with advice, and some of the funding and equipment necessary to carry out our research.
PDL has an almost 30-year track record of research, education, and collaboration with industry. A brief description of PDL's genesis and early history can be found here.
PDL research addresses a broad spectrum of data infrastructure challenges and opportunities, including scalability, efficiency, data reliability, emerging technologies, heterogeneity in systems, cloud computing, data lakes, and the intersection of ML and systems. Ongoing projects change over time, as some wrap up and others launch, often inspired by or in collaboration with PDL sponsor companies.
, PDL Director
(412) 268-1297
RMCIC 2208
, PDL Executive Director
(412) 268-5485
RMCIC 2210
, PDL Administrative Manager
(412) 268-6716
RMCIC 2209
Parallel Data Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
4720 Forbes Avenue - RMCIC 2209
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
PDL's Visitor Information page.
The School of Computer Science's list of directions on how to find your way to and around CMU.