Date: February 26, 1998

Speaker: Rick Carley, Carnegie Mellon University

Non-Rotating Mass Data Storage Devices

By abandoning the traditional rotating disk paradigm, the linkage between access time and data rate can be broken. One approach to positioning without disk rotation is the use of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) that act as three degree-of-freedom positioners. These can be coupled with scanning probe technologies to create a mass data storage system; however, maximum data rates for probe-based systems are typically quite low (10Kb/s to 1Mb/s). By constructing large arrays of scanning probe storage systems integrated with signal processing electronics, we can decrease the size, weight, power requirements, cost, latency of access, and failure rate, of data storage systems. This talk will describe the approach we have been pursuing here at CMU to develop such a system. In addition, I will describe some of the tradeoffs that arise between data rate, storage capacity, access time, and cost.

L. Richard Carley (S.B. '76, M.S. '78, Ph.D. '84, all from the MIT) joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 and was promoted to Full Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1992. He received an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1985, a Best Technical Paper Award at the 1987 Design Automation Conference, and a Best Panel Award at the 1993 ISSCC, and was made an IEEE Fellow in 1997. He holds 8 patents and has authored or co-authored over 120 technical papers. His research interests include CAD support for analog circuit design, high performance analog/digital signal processing IC design, electronics for data storage, and the design of integrated microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

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Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit