Date: July 13, 2000
Time: Noon
Place: Wean Hall 8220 

Speaker: Chris Colohan, Carnegie Mellon University

Multi-level processor scheduling in the K42 operating system

At IBM we are currently building a new operating system, K42, which targets large scale multiprocessors.  One of the challenges in building such an operating system is to create a scheduler which is both scalable and can be customized to the needs of applications.  We are using multi-level scheduling, which divides responsibility for scheduling between user-level and kernel-level code.  By putting part of the scheduler in the user-level code, kernel interactions are reduced, improving performance.  Flexibility is also increased because the user-level code can customize the scheduler in user space.  In this talk I will discuss K42's multi-level scheduling scheme, how it can be used, and describe the current implementation and its performance.

Chris Colohan is a CS graduate student here at CMU.  He is working with Todd Mowry on the Stampede project, which is exploring the uses of and implementation of thread level speculative parallelism in hardware and software.  He decided to go away for the winter and work on something completely different, and this talk is the result. v

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