SDI/LCS Seminar Abstract Archive - Fall 2000

September 7, 2000
Title: Running Linux on a Wrist Watch Prototype
Speaker: Chandra Narayanaswami, IBM TJ Watson Research Center

September 28, 2000
Title: A Certifying Compiler for Java
Speaker: Peter Lee, School of Computer Science, CMU

October 5, 2000
Title: Operating Systems Management of MEMS-based Storage Devices
Speaker: John Griffin, ECE, CMU

October 12, 2000
Title: Self-Securing Storage: Protecting Data in Compromised Systems
Speaker: John Strunk, ECE, CMU

October 19, 2000
Title: Communicating with Mobile People
Speaker: Mary Baker, Assistant Professor, Departments of CS and EE, Stanford University

October 26, 2000
Title: Use Cases, Scenarios and CRC Cards - What Are They, and How Are They Used?
Speaker: Tim Born, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies

November 2, 2000
Title: Designing Computer Systems with MEMS-Based Storage
Speaker: Steve Schlosser, ECE, CMU

November 9, 2000
Title: Energy Efficient System Design
Speaker: Tajana Simunic, Departments of CS and EE, Stanford University

November 15, 2000
Title: Gryphon: Scalable, Reliable and Secure Publish/Subscribe Over the Public Internet
Speaker: Daniel Sturman, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

November 16, 2000
Title: Antigone: Implementing Policy in Secure Multiparty Communication
Speaker: Patrick McDaniel, EE and CS Dept., University of Michigan

November 30, 2000
Title: Using History to Improve Mobile Application Adaptation
Speaker: Dushyanth Narayanan, SCS, CMU

December 7, 2000
Title: Storage Management for Web Proxies
Speaker: Liddy Shriver, Bell Laboratories


SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit