SDI/LCS Seminar Abstract Archive - Spring 2000

January 20
Title: Prototyping Virtual Network Service
Speaker: Keng Lim, Carnegie Mellon University

January 27
Title: PASIS:  A Distributed Framework for Perpetually Available and Secure Information Systems Speaker: Han Kiliccote, Carnegie Mellon University

February 3
Title: Software-Controlled Multithreading Using Informing Memory Operations
Speaker: Todd C. Mowry, Carnegie Mellon University

February 10
Title: Robustness Testing of the Microsoft Win32 API
Speaker: Charles P. Shelton, Carnegie Mellon University

February 17
Title: Mapping the Internet Speaker: Hal Burch, Carnegie Mellon University

February 24
Title: Dynamic Function Placement for Data-Intensive Cluster Computing
Speaker: Khalil Amiri, Carnegie Mellon University

March 9
Title: Reconfigurable Function Units for General-Purpose Processors
Speaker: Kip Walker, Carnegie Mellon University

March 16
Title: Architectural Support for Efficient Java Runtime Systems
Speaker: Lizy Kurian John, The University of Texas at Austin

March 23: Faculty Candidate Talk

March 30: Faculty Candidate Talk
VIJAY PAI, Rice University Exploiting Instruction-Level Parallelism for Memory System Performance

April 6: Faculty Candidate Talk
STEFAN SAVAGE, University of Washington Network Services in an Uncooperative Internet

April 13
Title: Cluster in a Box - How to build a 512 processor Linux machine
Speaker: Forest Godfrey, SGI

April 20: Faculty Candidate Talks
SIMON BAKER, Columbia University University Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them
SRINI SESHAN, UC/Berkeley The Future of Internet Applications: Enabling Network-Adaptive Design

April 27: Faculty Candidate Talks
JAMES O'BRIEN, Georgia Tech Generating Synthetic MotionUsing Physically Based Simulation
DAN RUBENSTEIN, U. Mass. / Amherst


SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit