SDI/LCS Seminar Abstract Archive - Spring 2001

January 18, 2001
Title: An Integrated Circuit/Architecture Approach to Reducing Leakage in Deep-Submicron High-Performance I-Caches
Speaker: Se-Hyun Yang, ECE, CMU

January 25, 2001
Title: Every Joule is Precious
Speaker: Carla Ellis, Duke University

February 1, 2001
Title: Computer Architecture Research in the CMU Impetus Group
Speaker: Babak Falsafi, ECE, Carnegie Mellon

February 22, 2001
Title: On the Merits of the IRM Model as a Replacement for Trace Driven Simulations in System Design
Speaker: Eitan Bachmat, EMC Corporation

March 1, 2001
Title: Edge-based Traffic Management Building Blocks for The Internet
Speaker: Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

April 5, 2001
Title: TCP HACK: TCP Header Checksum Option to Improve Performance over Lossy Links
Speaker: Rajesh Krishna Balan, Carnegie Mellon

April 12, 2001
Title: Internet Traffic Analysis: Monitoring the Sprint IP Backbone
Speaker: Sue Moon, Sprint Labs

April 26, 2001
Title: My Cache or Yours?
Speaker: Ted Wong, SCS, CMU

May 3, 2001
Title: Towards Critical-Path Instruction Processing
Speaker: Ras Bodik, University of Wisconsin

May 10, 2001
Title: Self-Tuned Remote Execution for Pervasive Computing
Speaker: Jason Flinn, CMU


SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit