SDI/LCS Seminar
Abstract Archive - Spring 2002
January 10
Title: Timing-Accurate
Storage Emulation
Speaker: John Griffin, CMU
January 17
Title: Freeblock
Scheduling Outside of Disk Firmware
Speaker: Chris Lumb, CMU
January 24
Title: rePLay
: A Hardware Framework for Dynamic Optimization
Speaker: Sanjay Patel, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
February 7
Title: Quality
of Service for Storage Devices (Intel
Speaker: David Stewart, Cambridge Univ.
February 8
Title: Towards
the Development of Robust Device Drivers
Speaker: Laurent Réveillère, ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, FR
February 21
Title: Cryptographic
Key Generation Using Features in a Speaker's Voice
Speaker: Fabian Monrose, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
March 7
Title: Fault-Tolerant
TCP: Wrapping Server-Side TCP to Mask Connection Failures
(Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Tom Bressoud, Bell Laboratories
March 28
Title: DVSR:
A High-Performance Protocol to Tame the Metro Bottleneck
Speaker: Edward Knightly, Rice University
April 4
Title: Fine-Grain
Policy-Based Access Control for Distributed Systems
Speaker: Sotiris Ioannidis, UPenn
April 10
Title: Virtualized
Network Storage (Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Darrell Anderson, Duke University
April 25
Title: Infranet:
Circumventing Web Censorship and Surveillance
Speaker: Nick Feamster, MIT
May 2
Title: Puppeteer:
Component-Based Adaptation for Mobile Computing (Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Eyal de Lara, Rice University
May 9
Title: Improving
Interactive Response in Mobile Environments
Speaker: Dushyanth Narayanan, CMU
May 17
Title: IceCube
Speaker: Winfried W. Wilcke, IBM Almaden
May 23
Title: A
Programming Framework for Intel's Network Processors (Intel
Speaker: Larry Huston, Intel's Network Processor Division
SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit