SDI/LCS Seminar
Abstract Archive - Spring 2003
January 16
Title: Composing
Pervasive Data
Speaker: Norm Cohen, IBM Research
January 23
Title: Portability,
Extensibility and Robustness in Ubiquitous Computing System Software
Speaker: Armando Fox, Stanford
January 30
Title: What's
Happening at Microsoft Research in Silicon Valley?
Speaker: Roy Levin, Director, Microsoft Research
February 6
Title: Bigger,
Better, Faster: Real World Systems @ Google
Speaker: Howard Gobioff, Google
February 13
Title: The
Impact of Thread Size and Selection on the Performance of Thread-Level
Speaker: Chris Colohan, CMU
February 20
Title: Self-Stabilization
in Network Services
Speaker: Anish Arora, Ohio State
February 27
Title: IOTA
and GAMMA: Two Systems Projects for 3G Wireless Data Services
Speaker: Clement Lee, Bell Labs
March 6
Title: StarFish:
Highly-available Block Storage (Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Eran Gabber, Bell Labs
March 13
Title: Resilient
Peer-to-Peer Streaming
Speaker: Venkata Padmanabhan, Microsoft Research
March 20
Title: Metadata
Efficiency in Versioning File Systems
Speaker: Craig Soules, CMU
April 3
Title: Network
Intermediaries for Constructing and Evaluating Scalable Network Services (Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Ken Yocum, Duke University
April 17
Title: Transient
Authentication for Mobile Devices (Intel Seminar)
Speaker: Marc Corner, Univ. of Michigan
April 24
Title: Energy
Conservation and Adaptation in Mobile and Embedded Systems (Intel
Speaker: Padmanabhan Pillai, University of Michigan
May 1
Title: Semantically-Smart
Disk Systems
Speaker: Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Univ. of Wisconsin
May 8
Title: System
Support for Online Reconfiguration
Speaker: Craig Soules, CMU
May 14
Title: Building
DoS-Resistant Software through Defensive Programming (Intel
Speaker: Xiaohu (Tiger) Qie, Princeton University
May 15
Title: The
Lustre File System
Speaker: Peter Braam, Cluster File Systems, Inc.
May 22
Title: Opportunistic
Use of Content Addressable Storage for Distributed File Systems
Speaker: Niraj Tolia, CMU
SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit