SDI/LCS Seminar Abstract Archive - Spring 1995

May 18
Title: Scalability Issues for Networked Multimedia Storage
Speaker: Doug Shepherd, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

May 04
Title: Fundamental Limits and Tradeoffs of Providing Deterministic Guarantees to VBR Video Traffic
Speaker: Hui Zhang, SCS

Apr 27
Title: Memory System Issues in Modern Computers
Speaker: David Nagle, ECE

Apr 20
Title: Network-Attached Secure Disks (NASD)
Speaker: Garth Gibson, SCS

Apr 06
Title: A Programming Interface for Application-Aware Adaptation in Mobile Computing
Speaker: Brian Noble

Mar 30
Title: The Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Inter-Process Communication Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems
Speaker: Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar

Mar 27
Title: On-line Performance Monitoring
Speaker: Dr. Sharon Perl, Systems Research Center, Digital Equipment Corp.

Mar 16
Title: The ATM Credit Net Project
Speaker: Peter Steenkiste

Mar 09
Title: Building Systems in Standard ML
Speaker: Peter Lee, SCS

Mar 02
Title: The Vesta Parallel File System
Speaker: Peter Corbett, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Feb 23
Title: Using Isolation-Only Transactions(IOT) to Improve Consistency for Mobile File Access
Speaker: Qi Lu

Feb 16
Title: High Performance Fortran - Past, Present and Future
Speaker: Jaspal Subhlok

Feb 09
Title: Dynamic Sets for Prefetching
Speaker: David Steere

Jan 26
Title: Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Host Networking
Speaker: David Johnson

Jan 19
Title: Improving the performance of functional languages
Speaker: David Tarditi


SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit