SDI/LCS Seminar Abstract Archive - Summer 1996

August 22
Title: Forward Acknowledgement: Refining TCP Congestion Control
Speaker: Jamshid Mahdavi, CMU

August 15
Title: MBFS: Designing High-performance File Systems via efficient use of Memory
Speaker: James Griffioen, University of Kentucky

August 8
Title: Transactions for Java
Speaker: Scott Nettles, University of Pennsylvania

August 1
Title: The BeBox and BeOS
Speaker: Adam Beguelin and Paul Clip, CMU

July 25
Title: Dynamic Sets: A New Approach to Reducing I/O Latency
Speaker: David Steere, CMU

July 18
Title: Status Report on Mobile Network Tracing
Speaker: Brian Noble, CMU

June 20
Title: Diagnosing Internet Congestion with a Transport-Layer Performance Tool
Speakers: Matt Mathis and Jamshid Mahdavi, CMU

June 13
Title: Making TCP Work for High-Performance Networks
Speaker: Jamshid Mahdavi, CMU

June 6
Title: Predictable Communication Protocol Processing in Real-Time Mach
Speaker: Chen Lee, CMU

May 29: Special PDL/SDI/DSSC seminar
Title: AFRAID -- A Frequently Redundant Array of Independent Disks
Speaker: John Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard Labs


SDI / LCS Seminar Questions?
Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit