[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] bibliographyOkay, here are some bibliographic entries for some useful papers on transport protocols and other topics. For reasons probably related to my job change but hopefully not meaning I've lost a bunch of it, my current bibliography appears incomplete. I know I'm missing a survey of lightweight transport protocols (from IEEE ToN, I think) and a few others (my total bibliography is over 400 papers, but for some reason, I'm always missing whatever today's most important one is :-(). I'll immodestly start with the non-transport papers: All of the Netstation papers are available at http://www.isi.edu/netstation/ @InProceedings{van-meter:visa, author = "Rodney Van{ }Meter and Greg Finn and Steve Hotz", title = "{VISA}: Netstation's Virtual Internet {SCSI} Adapter", crossref = "asplos98" } @InProceedings{van-meter:ip-for-naps, author = "Rodney Van{ }Meter and Greg Finn and Steve Hotz", title = "Internet Protocols for Network-Attached Peripherals", crossref = "kobler:gsfc-msst-98" } A one-pager on why IP: @InProceedings{van-meter:ip-naps, author = "Rodney Van{ }Meter and Steve Hotz and Gregory G. Finn", title = "Task Force on Network Storage Architecture: Internet-attached storage devices", crossref = "hicss-30", note = "White paper for the task force that met in conjunction with the conference", URL = {http://www.isi.edu/netstation/hicss_isi.ftp.ps} } This one is now quite dated: @ARTICLE{van-meter:nap-overview, title = {A Brief Survey of Current Work on Network Attached Peripherals (extended abstract)}, author = {Rodney Van{ }Meter}, journal = {ACM Operating Systems Review}, year = 1996, month = jan, pages = {63--70} } Garth's stuff (these are the two best, IMHO): @TechReport{gibson:nasd-case, author = {Garth Gibson and others}, title = {A Case for Network-Attached Secure Disks}, institution = {CMU}, year = 1996, number = {CMU-CS-96-142}, month = jun, comment = {Good paper presenting a taxonomy of NAP interfaces, and numbers evaluating potential performance improvements for NFS and AFS, varing from a few percent to a factor of ten in CPU cycles.}, read = {1996/7/24} } @InProceedings{gibson:nasd-file-server-scaling, author = "Garth A. Gibson and others", title = "File Server Scaling with Network-Attached Secure Disks", crossref = "sigmetrics97", comment = {Presents their NASD taxonomy again, with more detailed analysis of the results of using their NASD model. Suggests total server workload reduction of 30 percent or so for the ``NetSCSI'' approach (which they don't recommend) and factors of 5 and 10 for AFS and NFS using their particular NASD model. Replays UCB NFS traces and their own AFS traces against an emulated server to test response time. Disparages UDP performance. Great references.}, read = {1997/10/26}, URL = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/Groups/NASD/}, location = { rdv : folder : naps } } Okay, now transport protocols: @Article{baguette92:_xtp_conn_compare, author = {Yves Baguette and Andre Danthine}, title = {Comparison of {TP4}, {TCP} and {XTP} -- Part 1: Connection Management Mechanisms}, journal = {European Transactions on Telecommunications}, year = 1992, volume = 3, number = 5, month = {Sept.-Oct.}, comment = {English is a little rough, but good info. Concentrates mostly on TP4 v. XTP. TP4, like TCP, uses a 3-way handshake. XTP requires an explicit connection open packet (different format than data packets), but data packets can be pipelined with it, cutting out a round trip. Connection close can also be reduced to 2-way handshake.}, location = { rdv : folder : XTP }, read = {1998/4/13}, URL = {http://www-run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/publications/papers/abstract-R92-03_A.html} } @Article{baguette92:_xtp_data_compare, author = {Yves Baguette and Andre Danthine}, title = {Comparison of {TP4}, {TCP} and {XTP} -- Part 2: Data Transfer Mechanisms}, journal = {European Transactions on Telecommunications}, year = 1992, volume = 3, number = 5, month = {Sept.-Oct.}, comment = {Spends a lot of time on the differences between XTP 3.5 and 3.6 (current version is 4.0). Provides some support for ALF, in the form of an end-of-message bit. No segmentation/reassembly allowed in the net. Checksums are in trailers, and are optional. Uses a timeout to decide a packet has been lost, but the details of that setting aren't covered. Error handling is tricky in standard internets because it assumes in-order delivery (which requires XTP-aware routers under some conditions). Uses a window mechanism for flow control. Supports optional FASTNACKs (again depends on in-order delivery). ACKs are piggybacked. Congestion control is done via path rate control, which again requires XTP-aware routers. XTP supports both reliable and unreliable multicast.}, location = { rdv : folder : XTP }, read = {1998/4/13}, URL = {http://www-run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/publications/papers/abstract-R92-03_B.html} } @INPROCEEDINGS{cheriton:vmtp, author = {Cheriton, David R.}, title = {Exploiting Recursion to Simplify RPC Communication Architectures}, booktitle = {Proc. ACM SigComm (Stanford, CA August 1988)}, year = 1988, month = aug, pages = {76--87}} @MISC{cheriton:vmtp-rfc, author = {Cheriton, David R.}, title = {VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol / Protocol Specification}, number = {Internet RFC 1045}, organization = {USC/ISI}, year = 1988, month = feb} @Manual{hippi-st, title = {Information Technology - Scheduled Transfer Protocol {(ST)} {T11.1/Project 1245-D}}, organization = {NCITS}, year = 1998, month = jan, note = {rev 1.45}, comment = {Scheduled transfers for HIPPI, as a transport protocol. Also claimed to work for FC and ethernet, but I dpn't think anybody's really using that yet. Separate control and data connections. Begins with a setup negotiation, in which the destination indicates how much data it's prepared to receive. Mentions that this could be adjusted downward by intermediate nodes, but no discussion of how. Assumes very reliable in-order delivery for efficiency, though should work on packet loss due to ACKs (apparently, one ACK per data pkt is required). Targetted to minimize the work on receive. Transfers consist of blocks which consist of STUs, which I think correspond to packets. Must be a power of two in size. Some support for striping, including fan-in and fan-out, but still looks incomplete. Headers indicate when the upper-layer system should be interrupted. Some support for negotiated out-of-order delivery, but I'm not sure how that works with the max received index in the ACK packets (ACK pkts are primarily indicators of buffer availability for flow control, really CTS). Says it assumes low latency. No discussion of how packets might overlap in transmission; diagrams show a series of data pkts then a series of CTSes. Thinks it ld be used to carry TCP/IP traffic, but I view it more as a transport protocol and would be curious to see ST over IP. Despite not being an Internet protocol, bows to the IANA for selection of things like well-known port numbers for services.}, location = { rdv : folder : hippi }, read = {1998/1/30}, URL = {http://www.cic-5.lanl.gov/~det/dST145.pdf} } There are a number of other papers on XTP, as well as the spec, available at http://www.ca.sandia.gov/xtp/. Hope this helps.
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