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    RE: Towards Consensus on TCP Connections

    David Black wrote:
    > (B) Should iSCSI have a session abstraction that
    > 	binds multiple TCP connections into one
    > 	iSCSI connection? 
    > Let me start from Costa's simple explanation:
    > > There are two ways in which multiple connections are used in iSCSI:
    > > 
    > > 1) Multiple simultaneous TCP connections for bandwidth
    > > 	
    > > 2) Multiple TCP connections for fault tolerance/recovery
    > > 	(i.e. when one TCP connection in a session dies, 
    > >          another one starts up)
    > So, to resolve issue (B), we need to discuss whether
    > there are compelling reasons for doing 1) and/or 2)
    > within a single SCSI connection, as opposed to across
    > multiple SCSI connections.  This specific issue needs
    > further discussion -- I invite everyone to have at it ...
    As I've explained in a previous post, I see a need for low-cost bandwidth in
    excess of 1 Gb/s for low-end single-LUN iSCSI disks. This bandwidth should
    be available to a single iSCSI command from an initiator. 
    I believe the only low-cost link technology available to us is 1 Gb/s
    ethernet over cat5 UTP (is this 1000baseT in IEEE-speak?). To get sufficient
    bandwidth at sufficiently low cost in early device-level implementations, I
    think the use of multiple TCP connections over 1 Gb/s ethernet links is the
    only feasible option. 10 Gb/s ethernet will be too expensive for the initial
    device-level implementations, especially since I think device-level
    customers will require redundant interfaces, so a device would have to bear
    the cost burden of two 10 Gb/s interfaces.
    So I think the requirements for multiple connections go beyond what is
    currently in draft-satran-iscsi-01.txt, which only allows load-sharing at
    the SCSI command-level. Note that for disks, load-sharing at the
    command-level could be obtained by multiple SCSI connections rather than
    multiple TCP connections. I think it is important to increase the bandwidth
    available to the data transfer for a single SCSI command, so an extension to
    the current multiple TCP connection proposal looks like the right answer.
    The extension I propose is to remove the allegiance to the initiating TCP
    connection for data transfers _only_. Not RTT's, not commands, not status,
    not task management function requests, etc. Only data transfers. Note that
    this probably implies something like the iSCSI over VI over TCP proposal, in
    order to decouple the adapter state needed for RDMA data transfer from the
    command state.
    When I consider tapes, the alternative of multiple SCSI connections looks
    even less appealing. Unlike disks, tape reads and writes are not idempotent,
    so SCSI-level error recovery is quite complex because the initiator needs to
    discover the current state of the tape. Multiple SCSI sessions don't
    directly address this problem; all they offer are redundant paths to the
    device. The iSCSI session concept looks good because it offers a way to
    retry individual information units and continue the execution of a SCSI
    command in the presence of link errors, without having to invoke SCSI-level
    tape error recovery.
    With respect to tape device bandwidth requirements, I don't have an informed
    opinion. However, I note that if the device-level requirement should exceed
    the speed of economically-feasible links, multiple SCSI connections do not
    solve the bandwidth aggregation problem, since the bandwidth must be applied
    to the data transfers for an ordered set of SCSI commands. Multiple SCSI
    connections do not preserve the ordering of commands. So if the tape device
    bandwidth requirements exceed that of a single link, multiple TCP
    connections would be required.
    Steve Byan
    Design Engineer
    MS 1-3/E23
    333 South Street
    Shrewsbury, MA 01545
    fax: (508)770-2604 


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:55 2001
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