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    RE: iSCSI: T10 meeting

    The FCoverIP specification has already defined FC encapsulation.  Should
    there be  additional information required to transport an FC frame over IP,
    that should become a header prefix rather than a redefinition of structures.
    From that point, changes can be determined within a narrower perspective.
    The present solution is less than satisfactory in the basic aspect of
    control.  Solutions already exist within FC.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []On Behalf Of
    > Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 10:36 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: iSCSI: T10 meeting
    > I spent today at the T10 meeting, despite United Airlines'
    > best attempts to keep me out of the Pacific time zone :-).
    > I did quite a bit of explaining about IETF and ips
    > logistics, procedures, and status, but did manage
    > to squeeze in some technical discussion.
    > Here are a few items of relevance to iSCSI:
    > - As indicated earlier, T10 would like to see iSCSI
    > (and other encapsulations of SCSI) follow the data
    > formats used by FCP to the extent possible and
    > reasonable.  Departures for good functional reasons
    > are ok (e.g., iSCSI separates out task management
    > in a way that FCP does not, and there may be good
    > reasons to do that), even though they complicate
    > bridges.  OTOH, format differences that lack a
    > functional reason should be avoided.  The recent
    > proposal by Charles Monia to harmonize iSCSI and
    > FCP packet formats deserves serious attention.
    > - There has been some discussion of stateless bridges
    > or gateways on this list in the past.  T10's view of
    > this area is that such devices tend to be inherently
    > stateful because they usually have to keep state
    > related to proxying multiple initiators accessing them
    > onto a single initiator that accesses the actual
    > target.  Mapping command tags as part of this is not
    > a big deal, and hence T10 does not attempt to mandate
    > a single SCSI tag format -- in fact a 64 bit tag for
    > SCSI over VI was recommended as part of today's meeting.
    > The rationale for that tag may be worth considering for
    > iSCSI - an initiator running a 64 bit OS can stick a
    > memory address in the tag, which makes it easier to
    > handle responses.  In any case, it's not important
    > to match FCP's tag structure exactly.
    > - I want to reinforce Steve Byan's earlier email on
    > multiple ordered commands and resource exhaustion.
    > As indicated by words in our (still draft) charter,
    > this sort of issue expressible entirely in SCSI
    > w/o reference to TCP or any other transport is in
    > T10's domain.  That means that not only is it T10's
    > responsibility to deal with this issue, it is also
    > T10's responsibility to determine whether the issue
    > is serious enough to merit any changes.  This IETF
    > WG should be cautious about redesigning things like
    > ACA - it would be undesirable for ACA to behave
    > differently in iSCSI than in other SCSI transports.
    > >From my viewpoint, a good working relationship
    > with T10 is well underway.
    > --David
    > ---------------------------------------------------
    > David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    > EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    > +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140     FAX: +1 (508) 497-8500
    >       Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754
    > ---------------------------------------------------


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:16 2001
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