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    RE: iSCSI: Flow Control

    BTW, on the issue of adjusting the total amount of RAM available to allow us
    to avoid the protocol issue, this will not work for moderately priced NAS
    boxes.  These are focused on ease of use, and so are sealed and not end user
    (or channel) configurable.  Off the top of my head I'd estimate that
    approach would not work for NAS devices selling for $10,000 or less - any
    perhaps not very well for those selling for several tens of thousands of
    Even if the boxes are technically capable of accepting more RAM, the
    configuration you want depends on the deployment - which is determined by
    the end user, and may be changed through subsequent redeployment.  For a
    traditional heavy touch IS operation that is fine, but not for those working
    outside the glass house.  This is not to say there will not be different
    amounts of buffering used - a 1 disk NAS will have less than a 10 disk NAS.
    But no one I knows wants to produce multiple versions of 4 disk NAS, with
    differing amounts of buffering, if they can avoid it.
    PS of course, if the focus of iSCSI was just the machine room then this
    becomes manageable, but that is not what I am hearing people talk about.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim McGrath 
    Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 7:37 PM
    To: 'John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM';
    Subject: RE: iSCSI: Flow Control
    I agree that there is a difference in the degree of buffer requirements
    based on true internet vs machine room application.  However, I don't think
    vendors will necessarily design their products differently for the two
    applications.  And even in a machine room setting (e.g. today's parallel
    SCSI and Fibre Channel), people have requested immediate data on writes
    (which is what this feature is designed to provide).
    I don't think leaving this out of the iSCSI protocol is wise - we have
    already had a market failure (i.e. an experience where a desired feature
    could not be supported by the vendors) in this area with Fibre Channel, and
    it just looks worse going forward.  I fear coupling to sessions sounds too
    much like coupling to login, which did not work in FC-AL.
    BTW, the burden here is almost entirely on the target.  The target is the
    one responsible for allocating the buffers - the hosts just have to respond
    to changes in the amount available.  Unless this is really hard for the host
    to do(?)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM []
    Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 2:58 PM
    Subject: RE: iSCSI: Flow Control
    I can buy that Peer to Peer Session stuff.  So we, at least we seem to be
    in agreement on these items. (The length of "normal" Sessions, the length
    of Peer to Peer Sessions, and the Dynamic Buffering requirements for
    Storage Controllers.)
    So let me push this slightly.  I also believe that when Storage Controllers
    are sold as iSCSI Internet (by that I mean long distance connect) capable,
    there will be a RAM Storage Feature that is recommended by the Vendor.  Any
    one that just wants to use the Storage Controller in areas where SCSI Buss
    or FC distances apply today, might not need the additional RAM feature.
    I think that is the way this stuff will be sold (and need to be sold) and
    vendors will then compete on their more optimum ways of using the RAM
    There may be a variant of the above where the Vendor Sells the RAM Storage
    Feature based on the number of Concurrent Sessions the customers wants to
    sustain.  And of course there will be combinations of RAM Storage Features
    for number of Sessions and Distance.  Vendors will compete on how simple
    (in relationship to Cost and performance) their approach is viewed relative
    to the Distance and number of Sessions needed.
    If others believe this, then the stuff we have been talking about with
    regards to  Flow Control is Mute and can be left up to TCP/IP and the
    various vendors implementations of the iSCSI/SCSI buffering algorithms.
    John L. Hufferd
    Michael Krause <> on 10/04/2000 01:44:25 PM
    Sent by:
    Subject:  RE: iSCSI: Flow Control
    At 12:34 PM 10/4/00 -0700, John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM wrote:
    >Michael Krause,
    >First, a session usually lasts from Boot Time till it is Booted again or
    >stopped.  The variant to this is a Storage Device being used in a manor
    >like a Mount or Map done with NAS.  Even then, most folks, have that setup
    >so the Mounting and Mapping is done at bring up, though it is sometimes
    >done at other times, but even then it is left around.  So I think the
    >you can say about Session Time as the term is used in the iSCSI context is
    >that it is LONG.
    >I do not think we have consensus about the notification of available
    >buffers.  With the way many systems work, is (as stated above), all
    >are set up at startup of the Host, and the Session is kept around by the
    >Host, even if there hasn't been anything which use that device all
    >day/week, etc.  So I am not sure if having a certain amount of buffer
    >reserved for each Host (which could be 100s-1000s) would be an especially
    >good idea.
    I believe we are in agreement both in terms of duration and the need to
    have dynamic buffer management.  I will clarify that there will also be
    sessions that are not host focused, e.g. the peer-to-peer direction of a
    storage object to another device, e.g. multi-media streaming and these
    sessions will be shorter lived - possibly on a per transaction basis where
    a transaction is something of reasonably large in value (e.g. 100's MBs of
    data movement).


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:50 2001
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