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    Re: FCIP: A question about framing

    Murali Rajagopal wrote:
    > Doug/Milan:
    > Just another clarification on the SOF/EOF.These codes are NOT used for TCP
    > level framing.
    > These codes are needed to retain the frame identity.The intenet is to map a
    > single FC Frame
    > to a single TCP segment and get a "datagram-like" behavior. PUSH flag also
    > helps to accelerate
    > the situation in this regard.
    Using Push does not guarantee that you will get "datagram-like"
    behavior. You
    must have some mechanism to find your "message" amongst a stream of
    bytes... this is what TCP presents you with. This usually means a 
    message/finder that can parse the incoming stream and find the
    beginning/ending of the message boundaries... Some apps have been known
    to write every message in two pieces... write the number of bytes
    in this message in a 4 byte int, followed by the message with the PUSH
    flag set.  Even at that the reader side must read the 4 byte value
    and then continue to read until it has assembled a complete message.
    The PUSH flag is just a hint to TCP it does not assure you that you will
    get a datagram behavior depending on PUSH will not help you... been
    there ..
    . done that.. it don't work :/
    > -Murali
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []On Behalf Of
    > Douglas Otis
    > Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 5:34 PM
    > To: Murali Rajagopal; Merhar, Milan;
    > Subject: RE: FCIP: A question about framing
    > Murali,
    > I fully understand a need for alignment.  TCP however will not provide any
    > alignment!  With respect to the FC frame bytes, an encapsulation process
    > could easily move both SOF and EOF into a prefix to aid in processing these
    > bytes.  This prefix could include a timestamp as well.  Do you know the
    > algorithm for creating these byte codes?  For alignment, you should review
    > RFC 2960.
    > You can see an example at:
    > Doug
    > > Doug/Milan:
    > >
    > > Although there are 4 bytes specified, only a single byte is really used.
    > > The reason for using 4 bytes instead of one was word boundary alignement
    > > previously discussed in FC-BB T11 WG.
    > >
    > > Hope this helps.
    > >
    > > Murali Rajagopal
    > >
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: []On Behalf Of
    > > Merhar, Milan
    > > Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 10:11 AM
    > > To:
    > > Subject: FCIP: A question about framing
    > >
    > >
    > > I was pleased to see the new draft for FC over IP
    > > ( draft-ietf-ips-fcovertcpip-00.txt ) but something
    > > in it left me a bit puzzled.
    > >
    > > The encapsulation that is described envelops the
    > > entire FC frame, including its SOF and EOF delimiters,
    > > and then transports it over TCP.  The draft correctly
    > > points out that in FC the SOF and EOF sequences
    > > are encoded at the 8b10b level starting with a "comma"
    > > character, which is a reserved 10-bit code, which does not
    > > correspond to any 8 bit value.  But, it then says
    > > that SOF and EOF are encoded in TCP as 4 byte sequences.
    > >
    > > This is where I get confused.  Don't you then have to
    > > prohibit the appearance of the SOF and EOF sequences
    > > (which are now just a set of four regular bytes)
    > > in the normal payload stream, using a processing-intensive
    > > technique like escape sequence insertion, etc?
    > >
    > > The only other alternative that comes to mind is to use
    > > the presence of a valid CRC as a gate to on accepting an EOF
    > > sequence.  And that, I believe, is patented technology.
    > >
    > > - milan
    > >
    Randall R. Stewart or
    815-342-5222 (cell) 815-477-2127 (work)


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:32 2001
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