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    RE: FCIP: A question about framing

    Do TCP RFCs specify the behavior of the receiver regarding when to deliver
    data to the application?  From what I've read, different implementations act
    differently - some buffer data received data and deliver it to the app when
    the buffer's full, others deliver data immediately when each packet is
    received.  In either implementation, when the PUSH flag is set, all data is
    delivered immediately to the application.  In a FCoIP device, could't the
    receipt of the packet with the PUSH flag set indicate that this is the "end
    of a frame"?  Assuming that the FC aware code can also view the TCP header.
    I understand the truth of what you are saying when TCP is delivering data to
    an "application", but I'm assuming that FCoTCP implementations will have
    some level of mapping interaction between the TCP and the FC layer?
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Randall R. Stewart []
    > Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 11:34 AM
    > To: Murali Rajagopal
    > Cc: Douglas Otis; Merhar, Milan;
    > Subject: Re: FCIP: A question about framing
    > Murali:
    > Using Push does not guarantee that you will get "datagram-like"
    > behavior. You
    > must have some mechanism to find your "message" amongst a stream of
    > bytes... this is what TCP presents you with. This usually means a 
    > message/finder that can parse the incoming stream and find the
    > beginning/ending of the message boundaries... Some apps have 
    > been known
    > to write every message in two pieces... write the number of bytes
    > in this message in a 4 byte int, followed by the message with the PUSH
    > flag set.  Even at that the reader side must read the 4 byte value
    > and then continue to read until it has assembled a complete message.
    > The PUSH flag is just a hint to TCP it does not assure you 
    > that you will
    > get a datagram behavior depending on PUSH will not help you... been
    > there ..
    > . done that.. it don't work :/
    > R
    Marjorie Krueger
    Networked Storage Architecture
    Hewlett-Packard Storage Organization
    tel: +1 916 785 2656
    fax: +1 916 785 0391


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:31 2001
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