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    iSCSI: Towards Urgent Pointer Consensus

    With my WG co-chair hat on, and in an attempt to
    make progress towards consensus on this.
    The only text that seems to have a chance of gaining
    rough consensus on the list is Daniel Smith's:
      "During login, if the target requests use of the Urgent Pointer (UP) then
      this should be taken as meaning that the target will operate more 
      efficiently when the UP is used.  The initiator should make an effort to
      the UP.  If it is unable (or unwilling, because of user intervention*) to 
      use the UP then it must indicate its non-compliance to the target."
    and likewise for target sending to the initiator,
    although I would substitute "SHOULD" for "should
    make an effort to", and change "must indicate its
    non-compliance" to "MUST indicate its inability".
    In other words for each sender-receiver pair
    (initiator sending to target and v.v.), the sender
    SHOULD implement Urgent support, and the receiver MAY
    choose to request use of it via a negotiation
    mechanism that gets both sides to agree on use
    or non-use of the mechanism.
    [NB: For those not familiar with this area
    of IETF lingo, in general any use of MUST,
    as capitalized words intends the meanings
    defined in RFC 2119.  This is always the
    case in standards track RFCs, and is a
    common email convention.  Please see
    RFC 2119 for a complete explanation.]
    I understand that there are people on the list who
    want to see MUST used to require implementation and/or
    use of Urgent support.  That is unlikely to happen
    for two reasons:
    (1) The WG rough consensus on the list still rejects
    	this position.  From a consensus standpoint, if
    	a sufficient set of people want to insist on
    	MUST, we'll have to take this issue to San Diego.
    (2) Based on the discussion to date, the advocates
    	of the Urgent mechanism have not met the
    	burden required by RFC 2119 to use MUST. 
    	Section 6 of RFC 2119 says:
       Imperatives of the type defined in this memo must be used with care
       and sparingly.  In particular, they MUST only be used where it is
       actually required for interoperation or to limit behavior which has
       potential for causing harm (e.g., limiting retransmissions)  For
       example, they must not be used to try to impose a particular method
       on implementors where the method is not required for
    	I think a fair characterization of the discussion to
    	date is that the Urgent mechanism is a potentially
    	important optimization for a certain class of
    	implementations.  This falls significantly short of
    	the RFC-2119 criteria for MUST.
    	Unless something changes, I don't see how your WG chairs
    	are going to be able to defend MUST to the ADs and IESG,
    	and in practice, we'll probably have our work cut out for
    	us defending the SHOULD in Daniel's text.
    Beyond this, I have a couple of remarks about the
    conduct of the discussion:
    - I want to specifically thank and encourage Randall
    	Stewart and Dick Gahan for working through some
    	of the details of how well the mechanism is
    	likely to work and what's at stake in specific
    	situations.  This sort of detailed analysis is
    	useful in illuminating the value/utility of
    	proposed mechanisms such as this one.
    - On the other hand, I want to discourage general
    	"end of the world"-ish pronouncements that
    	iSCSI will "fail" in some sense if this or that
    	isn't done precisely as the poster wants.
    	Such messages are not helpful, and should be
    	cut down to the technical points that the
    	sender wishes to contribute to the discussion.
    This is not a consensus call, yet, but rather a
    summary of status and hopefully a hint or two about
    what it'll take to get to consensus.
    David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140     FAX: +1 (508) 497-8500       Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:21 2001
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