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    Fibre Channel-to-Ethernet Routers?

    	Hello. I'm new to this list, so I apologize if this is a standard
    newbie question. 
    	Is anybody aware of the existence of an available or soon-to-be
    available Fibre Channel-to-Ethernet router. I won't bombard you folks with
    the details, but the company for which I do network design is looking for a
    solution to extend a VMS cluster's Fibre Channel SAN fifty miles to a
    disaster recovery site we're building. The current, and exorbitantly
    expensive, solution is to purchase two strands of dark fibre and to light it
    up with equipment which supports fibre channel such as Luxn's Dense WDM
    	A much cheaper solution would be to use a Gigabit Ethernet pipe
    provided by Ameritech. Cheaper by more than a factor of 10, in fact. The
    only problem is that this GigaMAN service supports Ethernet and Ethernet
    only. So my aim is to get the Fibre Channel traffic riding on that Ethernet
    	From the investigation I've done, it appears while several
    manufacturers have announced Fibre-Channel-to-Ethernet
    routers/gateways/media converters (Gadzoox, Crossroads, Entrada, etc.), they
    are all talking about shipping 1st Quarter 2001. I'm not going to put much
    stock in these claims as product ship dates have a habit of creeping. 
    	If there's no currently available embedded solution, I suppose there
    is another route. Many of the FAQ's I've read on Fibre Channel say that you
    can slap a FC and a Gigabit Ethernet NIC both into a workstation and route
    between the two interfaces. Has anyone on this list tried such a setup? I'd
    be curious about the latency added by handling such routing in software
    rather than through an ASIC. What OS is capable of routing Fibre Channel
    Over IP between two such interfaces?
    	thanks for any help you might be able to provide,
    	-carl hirsch
    	network engineer
    	computershare investor services


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:19 2001
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