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    Re: TCP limitations (was Re: ISCSI: Urgent Flag requirement violates TCP.)

    Ok, I will review this draft with the framing problem in mind...
    Here are the list of my issues (on the fly as I read it this
    A.M.... better go get my first cup of coffee ;->)
    A) Section 3.3 has a note:
    Note that RDMA_Read_Request messages always consist of exactly one 
    segment and contain no payload data.
    You can NOT make this statement without a modified TCP to make it
    happen. Depending on congestion and other factors TCP will bundle
    things together no matter if you set the PUSH bit, the URGENT bit
    or whatever... I think you need to remove this "Note"
    B) Section 3.4 for the "order field" has this description
    This 16 bit field defines the ordering requirements on a message.  A 
    value of "N" in the order field indicates that the payload data may not 
    be read from or written to its ultimate source or destination until all 
    EXCEPT the preceding N messages have been processed.  The value of 
    0xFFFF (all one bits) is reserved to indicate that the operation may be 
    done immediately when received unconditionally.
    Saying that "data may not be read from or written to its ultimate..."
    me. There is a subtle un-intended idea here that you can't read or write
    until... I realize that the "ultimate destination" is supposed to point
    out that yes, you can read it to a temporary buffer, but I would think a
    to make it more clear here would be better... say
    replacing the "payload data may not be read from or written..." with
    ...the payload may not be processed until all EXCEPT the preceding N...
    C) Section 5, the real method of the "RDMA" framing is in
       this paragraph.
    The recommended method for doing this is to assume that the RDMA 
    segment is aligned with a TCP segment, and verify the correctness of 
    the header fields of the RDMA segment.  If these header fields are not 
    correct, then the NIC should fall back to buffering the packet until it 
    can be processed in order.  In particular, the 64 bit connection ID 
    field was selected at random, so the only way that could match payload 
    data is by pure chance.  It can be easily shown that even if a
    miss-aligned packet arrives every 2us, the MTBF of mistakenly 
    identifying this as an aligned packet is greater than one million 
    years.  Checking the message number, CRC, and other fields only 
    enhances the confidence in this determination.
    1) You recommend that you assume the header is aligned with a
       TCP segment.. This really can NOT be made to happen without
       hacking TCP, but I can see where you might want to make a
       "guess at it". One may want to tweak this wording a bit... I
       need more coffee to think on it :)
    2) When you miss a segment, you start into the ole digging through
       the byte stream looking for a "magic sequence" that is not escaped.
       If you find it you "verify the header" and off we go... Now this may
       work, but I am not sure about the processing power needed to dig
       through every byte that is streaming in while still receiving and
       buffering data... This may be ok, others more familiar with what
       can be done on a card will have to comment on this....
    Basically you have chosen the "magic sequence" method that I believe
    was proposed earlier on the list.
    Jim Williams wrote:
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Matt Wakeley <>
    > To: <>
    > Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 3:35 PM
    > Subject: Re: TCP limitations (was Re: ISCSI: Urgent Flag requirement
    > violates TCP.)
    > > wrote:
    > >
    > > > Given that shim protocol requires no changes to the TCP in the sender,
    > > > it is currently my favorite way of doing RDMA.
    > > >
    > > > -Costa
    > >
    > > Please see Jeff's message on 10/26.  If you don't have framing, when you
    > lose
    > > a segment, you need to buffer generic TCP segments on the NIC before you
    > can
    > > "RDMA" them somewhere, because you don't know where the "RDMA" information
    > is
    > > in the "byte stream".
    > >
    > > -Matt
    > >
    > is an example of a shim layer that provides a mechanism
    > to recover framing upon loss of TCP segments.
    Randall R. Stewart or
    815-342-5222 (cell) 815-477-2127 (work)


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:16 2001
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