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    Re: TCP limitations (was Re: ISCSI: Urgent Flag requirement violates TCP.)

    I think that Matt is approaching the problem correctly.
    In a world of interoperable devices you can't require this type of
    alignment for implementations that
    are neither bound nor willing to use it. Moreover outboard machines,
    proxies, caching devices can do havoc to
    your initial alignment since they are neither aware and/or willing to use
    Your stuff can work only as an option or at least an initially negotiated
    option and as such it is out-of-bounds for this WG.
    "Jim Williams" <> on 29/11/2000 19:00:32
    Please respond to "Jim Williams" <>
    Subject:  Re: TCP limitations (was Re: ISCSI: Urgent Flag requirement
          violates   TCP.)
    I think Matt is approaching the problem with a different mind
    set than I am.  (I am saying this for clarity, not to
    argue that mine is correct.  In fact I am quite open minded.)
    My approach was that framing recovery is something that
    that can be accomplished by two protocol specific TCP
    without violating the TCP spec or breaking backward
    compatability.  It is certainly not a violation of TCP
    if a particular implementation aligns iSCSI headers
    with TCP segment boundaries.  It would be a violation
    to REQUIRE that endpoints do that.
    Matt is I believe arguing that a standard TCP implementation
    should be able to mark iSCSI header alignment in a manner
    that allows an iSCSI specific implementation to exploit it.
    This narrows
    down the potential methods considerably.  If the urgent pointer
    mechanism turns out not to work, the only alternative may
    be to use each N'th byte in the TCP stream as alignment point.
    |                              |  <-- N'th byte points
    |   block  |  block      | pad | block |  block | ...
    If the objective is to enable two specifically enabled
    TCP implementations to recover alignement, then the
    technically cleanest method would be to modify TCP.
    Although this group is not the place to do that, this
    does not change the fact that it can be done, and is
    the best technical solution.  The draft below
    demonstrates that it can be done without modifying
    TCP.  The arguments for doing that are more political
    and procedural than technical.
    (Yes ... SCTP is an alternative, but is not the subject of
    this note. :)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Matt Wakeley <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 2:14 PM
    Subject: Re: TCP limitations (was Re: ISCSI: Urgent Flag requirement
    violates TCP.)
    > Jim Williams wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > is an example of a shim layer that provides a mechanism
    > > to recover framing upon loss of TCP segments.
    > This draft has the following text for recovering framing on packet loss:
    > "The recommended method for doing this is to assume that the RDMA
    > segment is aligned with a TCP segment, and verify the correctness of
    > the header fields of the RDMA segment."
    > Aligning the iSCSI headers to begin in a new TCP segment is exactly what
    > want.  But that "would require changes to TCP blah blah blah" which is
    what we
    > can't do.
    > "If these header fields are not correct, then the NIC should fall back to
    > buffering the packet until it can be processed in order."
    > This then requires buffering on the NIC (store and forward) or data
    > the host, which we are trying to avoid.
    > -Matt


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