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    iSCSI: Procedural Matters

    Time to break a few more eggs ...
    (1) Iterating Long Responses.  While I've been inundated
    	by email lately, I don't think I've seen consensus
    	on the list.  Since this is in the context of the
    	Naming draft, whoever's going to lead the discussion
    	of this draft in London (Mark?) should prepare a slide
    	on this issue so that we can attempt to resolve it there.
    (2) Login Text.  To borrow a line from the late Admiral
    	Hopper, "It's better to apologize than ask permission".
    	This discussion about whether the WG approves of
    	rewriting the login text is misdirected.  I strongly
    	encourage the core set of people involved in the
    	bakeoff who are familiar with the login difficulties
    	to write an iSCSI login draft containing a clear
    	self-contained description of login, and recommend
    	login simplifications as part of the draft.  Once
    	we have that text in front of us, we can figure
    	out what to do with it - nobody's permission
    	(mine, Julian's, etc.) is needed to write that
    	draft, and the plugfest turned up what looks to
    	me like a clear need to do something about this.
    (3) Version number.  The word from above is that the
    	version number should remain at 0 in the draft
    	versions of iSCSI.  It could be advanced to 1
    	for the approved RFC (i.e., the version of the
    	draft prepared after the successful WG Last
    	Call would set the version number to 1).  As
    	noted previously, discussions of interoperability
    	of products implemented to Internet-Drafts should
    	be sent directly to the bit bucket ;-).
    David L. Black, Senior Technologist
    EMC Corporation, 42 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
    +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140     FAX: +1 (508) 497-8500       Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:12 2001
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