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    RE: Review of the 07 draft

    Thanks, responses in line...
    Robert Griswold
    Crossroads Systems, Inc.
    From: 	Julian Satran [] 
    Sent:	Sunday, August 05, 2001 9:52 AM
    To:	Robert Griswold
    Subject:	Re: Review of the 07 draft
    Thanks for you kind opening and for taking the time to read it.
    Comments in text.
    "Robert Griswold" <> on 03-08-2001 22:33:56
    To:   Julian Satran/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL
    Subject:  Review of the 07 draft
    First, great work on this initiative and please forgive my huge email.
    Section (and others):
    +++ This point has a long history remains of which you can find in the
    archives.  I and several other authors where inclined to "silently
    whatever can't be repaired (e.g., bugs in the initiator, delayed packets
    packets arriving late) and explicitly reject only what can be repaired.
    Debugging ease can be achieved by other means (event logs etc.). However
    many of our colleagues on the list wanted error rejects to be explicit
    whenever it is feasible and that is what you have now except for the
    in which discards are due to a "legitimate packet" arriving late (e.g.,
    from a previous transmission attempt that is already recovered).
    Discards are also better in preventing DOS attacks by stream replay++++
    [Bob Griswold]  Thanks, that is good clarification.  Again, while I
    realize there may have been a lot of history on some of these comments,
    having the evolution of the thinking helps.
    Section 1.2.5:
    +++ We envisioned TTTs to be used by the target to identify parts of the
    data stream that arrive in response of an R2T. Additionally they
    NOP-Outs that are sent in response to a polling Nop-IN and in general
    valid indicate that the target expects something and identify the
    (link it to the "cause") for the target. We mentioned that the protocol
    does not care about the value mainly to stress that, unlike ITT, the
    protocol has no uniqueness requirement for them and whenever they appear
    the LUN is also present and can serve as an additional differentiator.
    [Bob Griswold]  This will help in understanding what TTTs will be used
    Section 1.2.6
    +++ Logout has also history. We started without a logout but realized
    that we will need a synchronized logout to enable command allegiance
    for recovery (that is possible only after logout). Besides it is a
    and painless way to do a clean shutdown of a connection. As for a target
    only logout that is what the Asynch Message does (after some timeouts)
    Please keep in mind that there is also a fine interplay between logout
    recovery and that both initiator and target may decide to start some
    recovery action+++
    [Bob Griswold]  I see the need for the logout to be as quick and as
    clean as possible.  If one assumes the Initiator and Target have agreed
    on some form of possible recovery scenario, then having the target spend
    cycles trying to deliver some recovery information in response to a
    Logout seems reasonable; but I am not confident divergent iSCSI
    platforms could come to such an agreement, short of it being defined in
    one of the iSCSI specifications.
    Section 1.2.7
    +++ This is getting thrown out (it is already) considering that T10 has
    gone a long way to expand the addressing of third party command source
    destinatiantion +++
    [Bob Griswold]  This is good news...
    This model assumes that the iSCSI layer will deliver complete PDUs to
    underlying layers in single (atomic) operations.  The underlying layer
    not need to examine the stream content to discover the PDU boundaries.
    But please note that this whole sectionmight go away :-)
    [Bob Griswold]  OK.
    The rest of this section uses the word MUST a few times in the
    description of actions or implementation assumptions.  While the use of
    the word MUST may make complete sense to the topic, and the points they
    are being applied to, it seems out of place for an optional layer of the
    model.  If the Synch and Steering layer is truly optional, then how can
    the specification make claims to what MUST happen?
    +++ it says that IF you doit that MUST be the way to do it ++++
    [Bob Griswold]  My main concern is over the ability to have this
    specification define implementations of internal "sync and steering" for
    different host implementations.  Certainly the IETF should define the
    right method for on-the-wire communication between two systems that are
    implementing such layers, wherever that communication may exist, but
    internal implementations for iSCSI drivers, and how they handle these
    "sync and steering" delivered PDUs seems out of place.  Assuming each OS
    needs its separate driver base, separate assumptions and separate
    legacies, there will be very little hope for having these PDUs
    delivered, internally in divergent operating systems, in the exact same
    manner.  Have I made these comments clearer, or just confused it more?
    Section 2.2.2
    The definition of the AHS (see below, seems to be covered as a
    global PDU property, but only op-code 0x01 (SCSI Command) seems to make
    use of it.  Since the AHS seems to be only needed to encapsulate an
    extended CDB, then why define its possible existence for all PDUs?  Can
    the AHS be used in other commands?
    +++ There is another one - BiDirectional command fields. +++
    [Bob Griswold]  Sorry, emphases on the wrong point here, my fault.  The
    use of the AHS is only for iSCSI PDU op-code 0x01, but is defined under
    section 2.2 (granted, optional) as a part of the general iSCSI PDU
    format.  Since the AHS is only used for a SCSI Command, should it be
    defined only under this instance, or is there some future use of the AHS
    envisioned?  This comment borderlines on just editorial, and for
    education for me.
    +++ I've changed it to:   LUN
       Some opcodes operate on a specific Logical Unit. The Logical Unit
       (LUN) field identifies which Logical Unit.  If the opcode does not
       relate to a Logical Unit, this field either is ignored or may be used
       an opcode specific way.  The LUN field is 64-bits and it is to be
       formatted in accordance with [SAM2].
    [Bob Griswold]  Great, that helps a lot.
    The inclusion of a bit that identifies if the CDB is extended should not
    live in an optional header.  Expecting that all implementations would
    correctly code the use of an optional header to return critical data
    that should be identified with the required portion of the CDB seems out
    of place.  We would suggest that the use of a reserved bit or a bit in a
    reserved byte be used, from the BHS, be used to identify an extended
    CDB.  Putting the spillover of the CDB into the AHS (section 2.3.6) is
    not an issue, but flagging if there is spillover should not be in the
    +++ That must be a "misreading" - We are talking about a coded field one
    the values is Extended CDB. The whole code is the AHSType.  And if you
    an extended CDB this header is not optional - it is the way to code the
    extended CDB (no other way is decribed)
    [Bob Griswold]  I am clear on the fact that the Extended CDB bit is in
    the AHSType field; I am assuming that you are referring to section 2.3.6
    when you say the header is not optional.  Can a developer assume that if
    a SCSI Command PDU is received, and the TotalAHSLength has a correctly
    formatted value, that there either must be an Extended CDB AHS, or
    Bi-directional AHS present?  This may be sufficient to alert from inside
    of the required header that the additional header exists.
    Section 2.5.1
    +++ I can refer to some "opaque" management structure instead of MIB
    [Bob Griswold]  Sounds good.
    As for not  returning anything this is acceptable for Target Cold Reset
    where the TCP connections are teared down but not for those that leave
    connections standing +++
    [Bob Griswold]  I have reread this comment, but cannot understand what
    you are saying.
    Section 2.8.5
    +++ We think that hex will be the preferred encoding used but sometimes
    people will copy decimal numbers. Once you have to have a decimal
    conversion routine it makes little sense to force hexadecimal only by
    [Bob Griswold]  Well, if you assume that someone somewhere will have to
    do the conversion of decimal to hex, then the burden has to live
    somewhere, right?  If the wire is going to be exposed to two different
    encoding schemes, then how is a lowly target going to know if its
    getting decimal or hex values?  Will there be some marker, key=value
    system, or something that will allow the receiver of an ambiguous data
    type to know what it is getting?
    Section 2.9.5
    +++ It is not a MUST but it was thought by many (with some vehemence) as
    helping matching.  IMHO it has no meaning and would suggest removing it.
    [Bob Griswold]  Agreed, there is no reason the same folks couldn't drive
    a great "best-practices" RFC, or some SNIA document that could be used
    by the industry developers to make life easier.  The out-of-order
    key=value issue will never go away, but keeping code efficient is always
    Section 2.10.1
    +++ The text only says that if you are going to support connection
    you should be able to support opening a second connection in order to
    the first connection and close it. It also explicitly says that you
    have to support 2 connections in full feature phase. And even on 2 TCP
    connections it is just a recommendation - using IP-over-pidgeons can be
    good alternative for forcing a TCP connection to close. On a more
    note the second TCP connection can be on the same physical connection.
    [Bob Griswold]  Thanks for the explanation, and the great visual.
    Section 2.12.4
    If the limit of reflected data is 4096 bytes, then the instruction to
    the initiator should not be "avoid sending", it should be "MUST NOT"
    send more than 4096 bytes.  Is there a reason why the initiator would
    want to send more than those number of bytes?
    +++ The implications of saying MUST NOT would be that the target has to
    check and to reject with a format error. We don't want this do we? +++
    [Bob Griswold]  Since the implications of ping data escape me (sorry,
    just a storage guy so pinging is something I don't understand) I
    probably need to defer this to the networking thinkers.  I just hate to
    have language in a specification that allows the receiver of what should
    be a field overrun to do whatever it sees fit.  Can you give a two
    sentence explanation on what the target would do with ping data that is
    truncated, and what the initiator would expect to see in such a case?
    Section 2.16
    The last sentence in this section seems at odds with good error
    detection for targets, and at odds with section 2.19.1.  If a SNACK
    received has and error, whether or not it was a miss-directed PDU, or a
    transit error, why would a target just silently ignore it?  Should it
    use the SNACK Rejected code of the Reject response, or at least tell the
    initiator something?  Besides, the use of the word "must" seems
    inconsistent with what this sentence is trying to say.  If there is a
    good reason for a target to ignore this, then it should be mentioned,
    and the directive should be "MUST" if the expectations of the initiator
    are set that way.
    +++ A SNACK that is not supported is answered either by an Asynch
    asking logout - for failover - or total silence - in which case we
    SCSI will timeout and do its thing (abort, reissue the command or
    There no need to answer. A badly formed SNACK is rejected as any othe
    formed PDU (although even this is perceived by some as excessive when it
    does not help the initiator take repair action).
    [Bob Griswold]  Well, I will continue to say that a target that provides
    no information on a received packet of information that is part of a
    SCSI transfer is not a great target.  If some well-intentioned initiator
    keeps sending what it believes to be valid PDUs, but appears to the
    target to be invalid, then where and how does the initiator learn about
    what is going on at the target level?
    Section 2.16.1
    +++ The target should request logout if it supports connection recovery
    data snack +++
    [Bob Griswold]  So is that information (supporting recovery but no data
    snack) inclusive in the discovery information?
    Section 4.2
    +++ I think we can leave this to be implementation dependent. If I would
    have to chose a "way out" would say limited number of text exchanges
    than a timeout.  ++++
    [Bob Griswold]  OK, then can that be defined, or should that also be
    left for implementation?
    Section 7.1c
    This description of the use of the Retry bit seems to put the onus of
    interpretation of the Retry bit on the target for command replay.  Is it
    at all possible for a Replay request to get issued, within the scope of
    an initiator delaying its acknowledgement, such that the command
    actually did get completed, but the Retry bit was set too soon?  Would
    one assume that an initiator just avoids doing something like this?
    +++ I will come back to this later. +++
    [Bob Griswold]  Great, I am looking forward to it.
    Section 7.6
    +++ It is not defined here - it is assumed that when we let SCSI
    dry out (drop data packets, status etc.) the SCSI drivers will recover
    after a timeout and do some cleanup +++
    [Bob Griswold]  OK, but can ULP still be defined as an acronym for this
    Robert Griswold
    Crossroads Systems, Inc.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:04 2001
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