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    RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol

    I did not intend to give a Skewed report.  Since you think I did, I
    I get so much e-mail I can not remember if you sent it to the list or to
    the NDT team, if you say the list, fine, I am not sure it matters, since we
    decided in the NDT for me to take it to the meeting in London.
    Perhaps it was SNMP instead of SLP, OK, the precedent (see even I can
    sometime get some spelling right) is there.  I know you do not think it
    counts as much, and that is true, but it does count for something.
    Your point that I think you are making -- that a Management tool to input
    the Alias is needed so why not leave it up to the Management tool to handle
    and remember the Alias etc. -- is perhaps over stated.  All of the
    implementations that I am aware of, will have a way to input the Initiator
    and Target iSCSI Node Names, etc.  This is really basic stuff, and not a
    Tivoli or HP Open View type of management action, especially in small to
    mid environments.  Having this basic tool also add the Alias stuff is not a
    hard thing to assume.
    It also makes since to have the Alias reflected in the MIB, and reported
    via SNMP when something happens.
    John L. Hufferd
    Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
    IBM/SSG San Jose Ca
    Main Office (408) 256-0403, Tie: 276-0403,  eFax: (408) 904-4688
    Home Office (408) 997-6136
    Internet address:
    "KRUEGER,MARJORIE (HP-Roseville,ex1)" <>
    on 08/09/2001 09:41:50 AM
    Sent by:
    To:   John Hufferd/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS,
    Subject:  RE: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol
    Well, this interpretation of events is a bit skewed:
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: John Hufferd []
    > Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:52 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: iSCSI: Support Alias in the protocol
    > Today at the 51st meeting of the IETF, I presented an issue that came out
    > of the Naming and Discovery Team.
    Didn't come out of NDT, I raised it on the IPS list.
    > That was that some members of the team did not understand why we needed
    > have an Alias field, which is in the base protocol today, since it was
    > technically not needed.
    There is no question of "not understanding" anything, the statement of fact
    is that this is not used by the protocol, not necessary to the protocol
    function, and therefore should be deleted.  I can think of all sorts of
    things that "it would be nice for the protocol to do", can I add them all?
    It would be nice, for instance, to have a color text command, that would
    cause the display on the device to turn a different color - shall we add
    that?  Where do you draw the line? ;-)
    >The position I presented to the  group was that
    > the Naming and Discovery Team did not have consensus, since
    > many of us felt that having a Human oriented "Tagging" function was
    Many?  Most didn't care!!  A few thought it would "be nice" but agreed it
    was not used by the protocol.
    > One person, at the meeting today, stated that it might not be of extreme
    > importance on large Networks with sophisticated Management tools, but it
    > was very useful in small to medium environments, where the Management
    > were slim.
    But it requires a management tool for the alias information to be displayed
    to the user.  Does it make a mgmt tool "sophisticated" to add a text label
    of it's own to iSCSI target names?  I think not ;-)
    > As the conversations when on, it was pointed out by the area director,
    > Scott  Bradner, that SLP used a similar Text field in its protocol, so
    > there was clearly a president.
    This statement is incorrect. Scott made a reference to the fact that *SNMP*
    carries this sort of information (mgmt information!).  There is no known
    *precident* for this sort of field in a protocol.  Even if you find a
    precident, it doesn't mean it's a smart thing to do.
    We have been discussing simplifying the protocol.  Deleting this command
    doesn't represent a huge simplification, but retaining it on the basis that
    "it is nice" is not logical.  The point is where do you draw the line
    regarding protocol commands?  Shall we add more "nice to have" things, even
    though they aren't used by the protocol but provide some sort of mgmt
    function?  Didn't we already go thru this discussion regarding the
    SendTargets command?  Let's at least try to be consistant.
    Marjorie Krueger
    Networked Storage Architecture
    Networked Storage Solutions Org.
    tel: +1 916 785 2656
    fax: +1 916 785 0391


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:03 2001
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