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    Re: iSCSI: rev07 - ISID-TSID & naming comments

    >Did I make any thing more clear or just muddle things up?
    Thanks for the explanation, yes it does help me to see your 
    thinking.  This is what I suspected you meant, but wanted to 
    be sure.
    Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    Networked Storage Architecture
    Network Storage Solutions Organization
    MS 5668	Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.
    >My "text" again isn't conveying what I'm thinking, but yours is closer.  I
    >want the model to allow physical things to span multiple virtual things.
    >What I was trying to convey is exactly what you're saying.  Is it more
    >clear if I had said "can live in multiple portal groups *so long as each
    >portal group was in a different node*"?  But I want a network portal (be it
    >either physical or virtual) to "connect up" to different nodes (through
    >unique portal groups on each node).
    >If a network portal has only one ipaddress/[tcpport], it can service
    >multiple nodes, but belong to only one portal group per node.  So, maybe
    >this multi-node (focused on only one network portal) picture helps:
    >    NodeA           NodeB          NodeC
    >      |               |              |
    >PortalGroupA1   PortalGroupB2  PortalGroupC1
    >      |               |              |
    >      |_________NetworkPortalX_______|
    >            (Ipaddress/[tcpport])
    >The picture doesn't show other portal groups that might be in any of the
    >nodes nor does it show other network portals that might be in any of the
    >portal groups.   This is the tree view from a given network portal up.
    >The up-degree at the network portal can be anything.  The up-degree of each
    >portal group is one.  There's a different view from the node down.   In the
    >node-down graph, I can have any number of portal groups below a node and
    >any number of network portals in each portal group.  The rule is that this
    >graph is a tree.
    >And the model allows the leaf structure of one node-down tree to be related
    >in any way to the leaf structure of another node-down tree.  [I'm finding
    >it hard to describe this clearly.]  By example:  suppose that PortalGroupA1
    >above had another NetworkPortalY in it (within NodeA).  This network portal
    >need not be in PortalGroupB2 of NodeB just because NetworkPortalX was in
    >PortalGroupB2 .  So the fact that two leaves of one node-down tree are in
    >one portal group (have a common parent) does not require those two leaves
    >to be in the same portal group (have a common parent) of another node-down
    >Did I make any thing more clear or just muddle things up?
    >And yes, the scope of the portal group tag is the node.
    >The tricky part in this is the viewpoint.  If you think only one node at a
    >time, then the node-down tree is easy enough to describe.  It's when you
    >try to put more nodes in the picture that the relationships get more
    >complicated.   I'm not even sure it's possible in 2D to render in one graph
    >the full set of possibilities even with two nodes!
    >Jim Hafner
    >"Mallikarjun C." <> on 08/15/2001 10:40:16 am
    >Please respond to
    >To:   Jim Hafner/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
    >Subject:  Re: iSCSI: rev07 - ISID-TSID & naming comments
    >As you say, I too think we are very close on this.  Let me comment
    >on one sentence in your message that I didn't quite follow.
    >>Perhaps if we can make it clear that a
    >>network portal can live in multiple portal groups, but a portal group only
    >>belongs to one iSCSI node, then we're OK.
    >Two comments -
    >- My understanding of portal groups has been that they are disjoint
    >  sets, and that's the reason a session could not span multiple portal
    >  groups.  You seem to suggest that portal groups are overlapping sets
    >  with possibly common network portals, or did I misunderstand?
    >- By saying "a portal group only belongs to one iSCSI node", if you
    >  are implying that the scope of the portal group tags is per iSCSI
    >  node (i.e. the tags are unique and meaningful within one iSCSI node),
    >  then I am fine.  I just want to confirm that you are not excluding the
    >  possibility of one *physical* portal group (say an HBA) being able
    >  to get to multiple (virtual) iSCSI nodes.
    >Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
    >Networked Storage Architecture
    >Network Storage Solutions Organization
    >MS 5668   Hewlett-Packard, Roseville.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:01 2001
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