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    Login Proposal

    The recent plugfest highlighted areas of the login procedure that could be
    With this in mind, Bob Russell, Marjorie Krueger, and myself have been
    working on
    a proposal for the Login procedure.
    Our goals were to keep it inline as much as possible with 0.7 of the
    specification and
    to ensure connectivity can be maintained amongst target and initiators.  I
    believe we
    have meet all the goals we set out to do.
    I have also attached a Login Reference Model (in the form of c code) which
    backs up
    our proposal.  Please note that the reference model is only a reference
    model and should
    not be considered as, or be part of the iSCSI specification.
    Matthew Burbridge
    Marjorie Krueger
    Bob Russell
    The Login Proposal:
    FBit means "I have nothing (more) to negotiate"
    Request: The first occurrence of a Text Parameter from the initiator or the
    target. A request 
             MUST be answered with a reply.
    Reply: A Text Parameter that is a response to a Request.
    Negotiation: A request followed by a response.
    1.1 Actions at the Initiator
    The initiator starts the login phase by sending a Login Command PDU.
    The IIN MUST be present in the login command.  The SessionType MUST be
    present if the
    session type is Discovery, Boot or CopyManager.  It MAY be present if
    The ITN MUST be present unless SessionType=Discovery when it is optional.
    The initiator
    MUST NOT send operational text parameters in the login command.  The table
    below defines
    the parameter present in the login command.
            SessionType        SessionType          IIN               ITN
                               Present in        Present in        Present in
                                 Login?            Login?            Login?
              Normal            Optional            Yes               Yes
               Boot               Yes               Yes               Yes
            CopyManager           Yes               Yes               Yes
             Discovery            Yes               Yes             Optional
    SecurityContextComplete=yes MUST NOT be present in the login command
    Operational Parameters MUST NOT be present in the login command
    At anytime the initiator MAY terminate the login killing the TCP connection.
    If the initiator requires security negotiation it MUST send one or more
    parameters: (AuthMethod, HeaderDigest, DataDigest) in the login command.
                 Fbit     Security
                         Parameters     Description
                  0          No         Initiator has no security parameters
                                        to negotiate but has operational
                                        to negotiate.
                  0          Yes        The initiator wants to negotiate
                  1          No         The initiator has no security parameters
                                        negotiate and no operational parameters
                  1         Yes         ILLEGAL.  Target must reject login
                                        (Login Status = 0200)
    1.2 Actions at the Target
    On receipt of the Login Command the target MUST respond according to the
    rules below:
    If the InitiatorName is not present the target MUST reject the login
    by sending a Login Response with FBit=1 and StatusCode=0200.  Similary, if
    SessionType is not Discovery and the TargetName is not present the target
    reject the login by sending a Login Response with FBit=1 and
    StatusCode=0200. It
    both cases the target should kill the TCP connection after the login
    response has
    successfully been sent.
    At anytime the target MAY terminate the login by sending a login response
    the FBit set to 1 and a non-zero StatusCode. The target should kill the TCP
    connection after the login response has successfully been sent.
    If the login command contains security parameters, the target MUST enter the
    phase of the login.  It MUST send response to those security parameters and
    MAY start
    negotiating security parameters if the parameters that it wants to negotiate
    are not
    in the Login command.  The target responses with a Text Response (F=0).
    If the login command does not contain security parameters the target MUST
    perform one
    of the two actions below:
          a) If the target requires security negotiation to be performed, then
    it MUST
             enter the security phase and MUST send a text response containing
    one or
             more security parameters and F=0.
          b) If the target does not require security negotiation (and therefore
             does the initiator) it MUST perform one of the actions defined by
    the table
                  Initiator    Target has     Action
                    FBit       params to
                     0            No         Send Text Response with F=1
                                             only wants to negotiate operational
                     0            Yes        Send Text Response with operation
                                             If all parameters can be sent in
                                             a single response then F=1 else F=0
                                             (Both target and initiator want to
                                             negotiate operational parameters).
                     1            No         Send Login Response with F=1.
    (Neither target
                                             nor initiator want to negotiate
                     1            Yes        Send Text Response. If all
    parameters can be
                                             sent in a single response then F=1
                                             F=0 (Target only wants to negotiate
                                             operational parameters).
    1.3 General Rules
    If an initiator or target has text parameters (security or operational) to
    then it MUST send them at the earliest opportunity and it MUST NOT send an
    empty text
    An initiator or target MUST respond to the a text parameter request with a
    text parameter
    response in the next text PDU to be sent.
    Once an initiator or target has completed initiating negotiations (security
    or operational)
    it MUST not initiate any more of the same type (security or operational).
    In other
    words it can not go backwards.
    Operational Parameters MUST NOT be negotiated during the security phase.
    Security Parameters MUST NOT be negotiated during the operartional phase.
    When a party has no more text parameters to negotiate then the FBit MUST
    be set in the PDU containing the last text parameter request and all
    PDUs.  For example: if an initiator only wants to negotiate "InitialR2T=yes"
    and no others, then it MUST set the FBit to 1 in the commands containing
    Once the FBit has been set to 1, it MUST not be set back to 0.  Also, if
    the FBit is 1 then the party MUST not instigate anymore text parameter
    negotiations.  It can only respond to requests from the other party.
    If FMarker=yes then SFMarkInt and RFMarkInt MUST be present in the same
    Text PDU as FMarker=yes.  If FMarker=no then SHOULD NOT be present.  If they
    are then the remote party MUST reply to them and echo the values sent in the
    initial PDU.
    1.4 Completion of Security Phase
    [Authors note: This section has been extracted from v0.7 but I have made
    clarifications to the version 0.7 spec. - Changes in CAPITALS]
              -Every party in the security negotiation MUST [Added MUST]
               indicate that it has completed building its security context
               (has all the required information) by sending the key=value pair:
               The other party either offers some more SECURITY parameters or
               with the same: 
               The party that is ready MUST [Added MUST] keep sending the 
               SecurityContextComplete=yes pair (in addition to new security 
               Parameter REPLYS if required) until the handshake is complete. 
    	   Once the party has set SecurityContextComplete=yes it MUST
               not instigate anymore negotiations but it MUST respond to any
               requests from the other pary.
               If the initiator has been the last to complete the SECUIRTY PHASE
               MUST NOT start sending operational parameters within the same 
               text command; a text response including only 
               SecurityContextComplete=yes concludes the security sub-phase. 
               If the target has been the last to complete the SECURITY PHASE,
               initiator can start the operational parameter negotiation with 
               the next text command; the security negotiation sub-phase ends 
               with the target text response. 
               The SecurityContextComplete handshake MUST be performed if any 
               of negotiating parties has offered a security/integrity item 
               (even if it is not selected). 
               All PDUs sent after the security negotiation sub phase MUST be 
               built using the agreed security.  
    This proposal removes from 0.7 of the spec:
    Partial Login response: It no longer coveys any information.
    OpParamReset: No longer required as operational parameters can not be
    during security phase.
    SecurityContextComplete=yes.  This is how 0.7 works.  If people disagree
    we can vote and change it.
    Matthew Burbridge
    Senior Development Engineer
    Hewlett Packard
    Telnet: 312 7010


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:58 2001
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