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    Re: iSCSI NDT: Nameprep additions

    Jim Hafner wrote:
    > Bob,
    > The short answer to this is not an extraordinarily strong argument,
    > however..., it was felt that these names should follow many of the rules of
    > domain names.  It was also felt that in many cases, the names might be
    > embedded in URLs (and the like).  Also, since one of the naming conventions
    > is derived from domain names, there didn't seem a strong reason to allow
    > for any extra characters.  So, the simpler the allowed set of
    > non-alpha-numeric characters (punctuation, whitespace, etc). the easier to
    > process, embed, extend, etc.
    I agree.  The more we following domain names, the better.
    > On the other hand, doesn't an "underscore" accomplish much of what a
    > "white-space" character does for readability?
    The dash is the white-space substitute used in domain names and
    such; underscores are not allowed.
    In an iSCSI name, a dot can also be used as a separator.  Like domain
    names, I would recommend using the dash to denote word or other separation
    within a hierarchical component of a name, and the dot to denote separation
    between different parts of a hierarchy.
    > Jim Hafner
    > Robert Snively <rsnively@Brocade.COM> on 08/20/2001 12:27:24 pm
    > Sent by:
    > To:   "'Mark Bakke'" <>, Kaladhar
    >       Voruganti/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS, IPS <>
    > cc:
    > Subject:  RE: iSCSI NDT: Nameprep additions
    > Mark,
    > Why did we want to prohibit a properly normalized
    > white-space character?  I have
    > always felt that spaces are useful supplements to readability,
    > especially for symbolic character sets.
    > Bob
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Mark Bakke []
    > Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 2:20 PM
    > To: Kaladhar Voruganti; IPS
    > Subject: iSCSI NDT: Nameprep additions
    > Kaladhar-
    > Here are some modifications to make to the NDT doc to
    > add nameprep.  For now, these changes will assume that
    > nameprep will become an RFC before we do; if this is
    > a problem, we will do some more cut-and-paste later.
    > --
    > Mark
    > Replace:
    >     3. iSCSI names must be transcribable by humans.  iSCSI names should
    >        be kept as simple as possible, and should not use more than a
    >        few special characters.  They must also be case-insensitive, and
    >        cannot include white space.
    > With:
    >     3. iSCSI names must be transcribable by humans.  iSCSI names should
    >        be kept as simple as possible, and should not use more than a
    >        few special characters.  They must provide for the use of
    >        international character sets, and must not allow the use of
    >        different names that would be identical except for their case.
    >        Whitespace characters must not be allowed.
    > Replace:
    >    The iSCSI Name may be displayed by user interfaces, but is generally
    >    uninterpreted and used as an opaque, case-sensitive string for
    >    comparison with other iSCSI Name values.
    > With:
    >    The iSCSI Name may be displayed by user interfaces, but is generally
    >    uninterpreted and used as an opaque string for comparison with other
    >    iSCSI Name values.
    > Replace:
    >    An iSCSI name can be any Unicode character string with the following
    >    properties:
    >     - it is in Normalization Form C (see Unicode Standard Annex #15,
    >        "Unicode Normalization Forms" at
    >     - it contains only the ASCII dash character ('-'=U+002d) or the
    >     ASCII dot character ('.'=U+002e) or is in one of the following
    >     Unicode General Categories:
    >              a) Lu (Letter, Uppercase)
    >              b) Ll (Letter, Lowercase)
    >              c) Lt (Letter, Titlecase)
    >              d) Lm (Letter, Modifier)
    >              e) Lo (Letter, Other)
    >              f) Nd (Number, Decimal Digit)
    >              g) Nl (Number, Letter)
    >              h) No (Number, Other)
    >     - when encoded in UTF-8, it is no more than 255 bytes
    >    In particular, white space, punctuation (except as noted), marks and
    >    symbols are not allowed.
    > With:
    >    An iSCSI name can be any Unicode character string with the following
    >    properties:
    >     - it is in Normalization Form C (see Unicode Standard Annex #15,
    >        "Unicode Normalization Forms" at
    >     - it contains only the following types of characters:
    >          - ASCII dash character ('-'=U+002d)
    >          - ASCII dot character ('.'=U+002e)
    >          - Any character allowed by the output of the nameprep
    >            process
    >     - when encoded in UTF-8, it is no more than 255 bytes
    >    The output of the nameprep process is described in [NAMEPREP].  Nameprep
    >    is a method designed by the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) working
    >    group to translate human-typed strings into a format that can be
    > compared
    >    as opaque strings, and does not include punctuation, spacing, dicritical
    >    marks, or other characters that could get in the way of
    > transcribability.
    >    It also converts everything into its equivalent of lower case.
    >    Note that in most cases, the nameprep process does not need to be
    >    implemented:
    >    - If the names are just generated using lower-case (in any
    >      character set) plus digits, no normalization is required.
    >    - If the names are generated from some other all-ASCII string,
    >      tolower() normalizes and isalnum() verifies.
    >    - If the names are generated from more general, internationalized
    >      text, either the equivalent of tolower() and isalnum() appropriate
    >      to the character set may be used, or the full nameprep procedure
    >      can be used.
    Mark A. Bakke
    Cisco Systems


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:58 2001
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