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    RE: FCIP & this list

    You appear to be sensitive to the amount of traffic being waged in the iSCSI
    battle.  To be fair to David, if you had a filter on your email subjects
    looking for iscsi, then even his message would have been redirected.  You
    could even positively filter for FCIP.  Two messages a day does not sound
    like a heavy burden however to be handled manually.  Perhaps general
    announcements could include a list of filter words.
    > David,
    > To be honest, the following is more than a little
    > difficult to accept.
    > On 17 August 2001, David Black wrote:
    > > While I'm at it, it appears to me that the FCIP authors
    > > are reverting to the unfortunate habit of holding technical
    > > discussions off-line and not sharing them with the list.
    > First, the FCIP authors are posting their works to this
    > reflector.  Otherwise, there would have been nothing
    > to complain about vis-a-vis the content of the FCIP
    > draft on 17 August.
    > Second, this reflector is clearly the ALL iSCSI ALL THE
    > TIME reflector.  In the last 24 hours, no fewer than two
    > new postings to this reflector have failed to include the
    > project identifier in the subject as requested by John
    > Hufferd and myself less than two weeks ago.
    > And why should people bother to prefix iSCSI postings with
    > "iSCSI:" when one of the co-chairs violated the protocol
    > as recently as yesterday morning with a posting titled
    > "FW: I-D ACTION:draft-black-ips-iscsi-security-01.txt".
    > The FCIP authors are trying to complete their draft
    > under clearly disadvantaged circumstances.  Due diligence
    > is being made to bring issues to this reflector and to
    > respond to the concerns raised here.  And, I have no
    > doubt that the issue raised on 17 August will be addressed
    > in due course.
    > But it is patent nonsense to claim that the FCIP authors
    > should be trying to use this reflector in the traditional
    > IETF manner.  This reflector belongs to iSCSI, and to all
    > practical purposes it belongs ONLY to iSCSI.
    > FCIP (and for that matter iFCP) are barely tolerated,
    > uninvited guests, or at least that is how it feels
    > every time I review the directory the day's new messages.
    > Ralph...


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:57 2001
6315 messages in chronological order