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    Re: iSCSI: reusing ISID for recovery

    Julian Satran wrote:
    > My major objection is that we make it to easy to err.  Even
    > not-malicious/just mistaken code can blow up a session.
    Code that is not written to manage session resources correctly across multiple
    iscsi clients [if someone would  try to do that !!] is'nt going to go too far
    anyway ! The session would blow up sooner rather than later and that system
    is'nt going to have too much forward progress with its iscsi sessions.
    I don't think complexity should be introduced into the draft to protect
    against simple coding errors.  I have'nt yet seen a valid scenario, other than
    a coding error, which would result in a session being blown away. There are
    other precedents to the mechanism being asked for here [ex :FC] and it has
    been well used without any complaints in those cases.
    - Santosh
    > Santosh Rao <> on 30-08-2001 23:18:01
    > Please respond to Santosh Rao <>
    > Sent by:
    > To:
    > cc:
    > Subject:  Re: iSCSI: reusing ISID for recovery
    > Venkat Rangan wrote:
    > >  One aspect from the
    > > other thread that may not have been mentioned is the fact that you could
    > > have a situation where a rogue software on the initiator running in user
    > > mode which simply issues ISID=existing, TSID=0 to the target. (This may
    > be
    > > what was meant by "wild closing of connections" in this thread.) Choosing
    > > option A) would destroy an otherwise well protected ISID managed in the
    > > kernel space. This could also occur when you accidentally start another
    > > application that does not coordinate its ISID selection.
    > Another parallel iscsi application running in user space should use a
    > different
    > iscsi initiator name than the iscsi kernel driver. If it does use the same
    > iscsi initiator name, it must co-ordinate its usage of ISID, cmdsn,
    > exp_statsn,
    > initiator task tag with the kernel iscsi driver.
    > Failure to do either can and should result in the pre-existing session
    > being
    > logged out, since this is a coding error in the initiator application.
    > However,
    > prior to taking any such action, the login request must first be
    > authenticated
    > to protect against malicious logouts from spurious initiators.
    > > The earlier thread was leaning towards "Reject the second login attempt
    > with
    > > In-Use error code" but the issue of targets cleaning up inactive and
    > failed
    > > sessions still lingers on.
    > >
    > > Some observations:
    > >
    > > 1. There is no way to protect against rogue software at the intiator;
    > even
    > > the best IPSec policies and key management can not prevent such software
    > > from disturbing other well-behaved components. So trying to design
    > > mechanisms to prevent this at the target would be fruitless.
    > Agreed. That is the philosophy of option (A).
    > >
    > > 2. There is some value in protecting an accidental use of an existing
    > ISID
    > > by a second client (ISID=<existing>, TSID=0). This can be done with a
    > Reject
    > > of the login attempt, even without verification of login credentials -
    > (less
    > > of a DOS attack). You also do not need to analyze connection states in
    > this
    > > case.
    > A second client should create its own iscsi initiator name or partition the
    > (ISID, cmdsn, init task tag) resources into pools that can be shared b/n
    > the 2
    > clients. Even then, there exist issues in sending exp_statsn values. The
    > easiest partition is to use different names for different clients.
    > If multiple clients on a host do not follow the above precautions, they are
    > faulty in their iscsi session resource management and there is little sense
    > in
    > designing targets to protect against such behaviour.
    > >
    > > 3. From the perspective of the Target, case 2) above is no different from
    > an
    > > initiator rebooting and accidentally choosing an existing ISID with
    > TSID=0.
    > > To distinguish 2) from 3), we can make use of the Clear bit (or the
    > C-bit)
    > > and avoid many unnecessary trips at reboot time, trying to probe for an
    > > unused ISID. The usage is that if C-bit is present, any previous sessions
    > > are also closed by the target. I think this was Option B) in the original
    > > email.
    > There is nothing to prevent multiple concurrent clients from logging in
    > with
    > "C" bit set, and use the same ISID + 0 TSID.
    > The simplest approach is for the targets to authenticate the initiators and
    > once authentication has passed, to trust the initiator's requests. The
    > target
    > should not be in the business of second-guessing the initiator's intentions
    > by
    > testing connections, etc.
    > The "C" bit is of little or no use, since the initiator does not know
    > reliably
    > in which cases its usage is required. [It may have lost prior state and has
    > no
    > knowledge that it had a pre-existing session].  It would end up using this
    > bit
    > in all logins.
    org:Hewlett Packard, Cupertino.;SISL
    adr:;;19420, Homestead Road, M\S 43LN,	;Cupertino.;CA.;95014.;USA.
    title:Software Design Engineer
    fn:Santosh Rao


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:03:49 2001
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