Onur Mutlu
Contact: |
www | | |
Office: Phone: |
Hamerschlag Hall A305 412-268-1186 |
Mailing Address: | Electrical & Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 |
Position: Projects: |
Assistant Professor Enabling Novel Memory Technologies, QoS-aware memory systems, Energy-efficient memory and storage |
Research Interests:
My research objective is to advance the hardware/software architecture of computer systems and microprocessors in novel ways such that their performance, reliability, and efficiency are significantly improved to allow discoveries in science and developments in technology and engineering that will increase the quality of human life in the world. Although I have broad research interests in computing, I am especially interested in holistic architectural solutions that involve intelligent and efficient cooperation between the algorithm designer, the programmer, the compiler, the instruction set architecture, the microarchitecture, and the underlying circuits.
Some of my current research interests/projects include:
- Memory systems for data-intensive and cloud computing
- Scalable and efficient memory systems
- Enabling and exploiting emerging (memory) technologies
- Resource management, fairness, and quality-of-service in multi-core systems
- Computer architectures for robust and secure operating systems (OS), OS/architecture interaction
- Architectural support for high-level/safe/managed programming languages (PL), PL/architecture interaction
- Fault and bug tolerant architectures
- Latency-tolerant architectures
- Architectural Support for Software Productivity: Support for Object-Oriented Languages and Managed Runtime Systems
- Heterogeneous systems