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    Re: Towards Consensus on TCP connections

    That is a very good point. We too avoided touching structures we didn't
    have too (this is how we ended-up with huge LUNs). Bridging will be simple
    for "proper networks" but might
    involve more logic for mapping to SCSI-2 or very simple SPI. And I would
    appreciate any more insights into bridging.
    We  assume that drivers for widely available OSs will be readily available
    in source.
    Stephen Bailey <> on 17/08/2000 18:02:06
    Please respond to Stephen Bailey <>
    cc:    (bcc: Julian Satran/Haifa/IBM)
    Subject:  Re: Towards Consensus on TCP connections
    > It is also very important to note that SPI-4, FCP-2, and SVP are
    > active projects that share a goal of common packet formats to
    > simplify implementation of bridges between the parallel bus,
    > fibre channel, and VI.
    SST also has this goal.  The addressing, and command and status
    formats are as similar as we could make them to FCP.  It was quite
    handy to do this.
    On one hand, given the mismatch in other aspects than information unit
    format between iSCSI and FCP (specifically, the congestion avoidance
    requirements), cribbing IU format from FCP[-2] is not going to go a
    huge distance towards making iSCSI easier to implement.  On the other
    hand, making everything possible about iSCSI `same as before', WILL
    still help substantially to anybody approaching the technology (device
    implementer, driver writer, etc.).  For example, in SST, it was useful
    to be able to start with an FCP driver source and just adapt that to
    fit the ST layer interface.  Again, not a huge deal, but it does help
    make it seem like a familiar task, rather than a bizarre one.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:07:50 2001
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